Today is my birthday and I’m 27. Just kidding. I’m 30 and I can’t believe it. I’m not sad about it—the only thing that I’m bummed about is that I can’t ever say I’m twenty something again…ever. The twenties just sound so much younger.
Since I was born on December 1st, around Christmas time, I was named Christine because it has the word Christ in it (but I go by Christie). I LOVE Christmas (like many of you do!). I love the meaning of it and what we are celebrating. I love that people are more kind and giving (unless you are out on Black Friday—wow, watch out! Ha ha!). I love that we can reflect on the life of the Savior. I love that I can try and teach my children to care more about how they feel when they give to others rather than focusing inward.
And since it is my birthday and I can blog what I want to I’m going to share some Christmas music and videos with you that I absolutely love at this time of year. They make me happy and make me feel all Christmas-y.
This first one is the Opera Company of Philadelphia that sang in the middle of Macy’s to unsuspecting shoppers. Now wouldn’t THAT be a great Christmas shopping experience?! It actually makes me all teary watching it. I loved explaining to my kids what the choir did. They thought it was pretty neat.
This second one is a song Faith Hill came out with last year that I can never get enough of. So beautiful!
Celtic Woman anyone??? They have two of my most favorite Christmas songs of all!
I’m actually posting a variation of this next video on a guest post tomorrow, but I wanted to include it here today because it’s beautiful and just really kicks off the Christmas Season every year for me.
Hope you all have a wonderful day! If nothing else, I’m excited that I don’t have to fix dinner tonight while the hubs takes me out.
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Happy Birthday! 30 is not as cool as I thought it would be. My switch happened in June. I have to say I feel like I was 18 last weekend. Anyhow Love the video with unsuspecting shoppers.
Happy 30th! If you loved your 20’s you’ll love your 30’s even more! ;o)
I turn 40 next week. GASP! Thirty hurt a lot more. The idea of having to check off the next box in surveys, just about did me in! LOL
Hope your day is absolutely fabulous! Thanks for sharing the great videos. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :o)
Happy birthday! I love the music!!!! I may have to go buy some new CDs now.
Love that first video! How cool! Happy birthday and I hope your 30s are even better than your 20s. I’ll be turning 30 next year and I’m still not quite sure how I feel about it. Hopefully you’ll get lots of presents and cake to ease the pain.
Happy Birthday!!
Joyeux Anniversaire, Christie! I hope you’ll have a super sweet day today! Don’t worry about being thirty…. you’ll get used to it ;-) just kidding ;-) you’ll see, getting older doesn’t always mean getting old and you certainly are so inspiring and creative that you’ll manage to keep a 20something spirit for a long, long time ;-)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
The Messiah Mob brought me to tears. So cool!
we LOVE celtic women! Their voices fill our hoome all the time during this time of year!!
Happy Birthday, Christie!! I didnt know that’s why your parents named you that. It’s very fitting. Welcome to the 30s. They’re not so bad, though I know what you mean about not saying “in my 20s”.
Happy birthday! I’m right behind you . . . I turn 30 in just a couple months. I read somewhere that a woman’s beauty doesn’t peak until she’s 31, so take heart, we’re still on the way up! :-)
I hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday! I turned 30 in August, and so far 30 has been pretty great, and WAY better than 29! :)
happy B-day!
Happy Birthday! It’s really not so terrible on this side of 30–I’ve been here a few years and think it’s quite nice ;)
Happy birthday Christie! You share with Julie of jaybird quilts. I’m sure you know her. Anyway, I hope it’s wonderful and thanks for sharing about your faith. We are sisters in Christ.
Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Thirty isn’t really that bad. At least for a few more years you can say you are in your EARLY thirties. :)
Happy Birthday!
I can completely relate. I turned the big 3-0 a week ago today.
To make it fun I decided to make a list of 30 things to do while I’m 30.
Hope you have a fantabulous birthday!
Happiest of birthdays. I have actually loved being in my thirties. 30, and flirty and thriving :)
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy birthday! I love being in my 30’s. I feel like people take me more seriously, even though I still act like a 12 year old boy.
Happy Birthday! My sis-in-law just turned 30, but she says she’s Twenty-Ten, just like the year, and she’ll always be just like the year (Why turn 31, when you can be 20-11?), so there you go, now you can always be twenty-something-extra!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing the videos, they are really neat!
Happy birthday! I loved all the videos!
Trust me 30 is just fine, it’s when you get to 39 that panic sets in! Happy Birthday and enjoy your evening out tonight!!
Yeah for being thirty…shh here is a secret…I still don’t feel it, you probably won’t either.
Happy Birthday little sister! Being 30 isn’t so bad. You get used it after awhile.
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Ive got my big 3-0 coming up in Feb and I dont really know what to think of it. I hope you have a wonderful day and a Happy Holiday Season! :)
Happy belated birthday! I too just celebrated my 30th birthday a little over a week ago and, my name too is Christine! lol I was initially freaked out about turning 30 but I think for the same reasons as you. Now that I’ve been it for a couple of weeks… well, I guess it’s better than the alternative :)
Happy birthday! Don’t worry women just get better with age!
Happy Birthday! My Bday is Dec24th- my parents named me Angela Christine for ‘angel of christ.” Enjoy the day! 30 wasn’t bad for me. Just wait until 35!
Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope dinner was wonderful…From what I’ve read of you in your blog and how you compose yourself and genuinely care, in your comments, Christ is reflected in you as a whole & not just your name! Have a Merry Christmas!!
I gave you a Style Award on my blog today- I know you are super busy but you should know that your kinda my style hero. Poinsettia Pillow Tutorial was amazing and I am impressed you knew how to spell Poinsettia if we are being honest!!!
Enjoy your award:)
Yes, your name is apropos. Happy Birthday, Christie. Perhaps one day we’ll meet in real life :) I do hope so.
when I turned 30 things started making a lot more sense to me and my life took a huge turn. getting older is not as scary or as awful as I thought it would be.
Sorry I missed your birthday yesterday.
Happy Birthday!!!
happy belated b-day girl! 30 hasn’t been too shabby for me! :)
Happy birthday! I love that random act of culture. Wouldn’t it be amazing to experience something like that?
I’m right there with you. I get to say goodbye to my 20s this Christmas. But hey, 30 is the new 20, right?
Happy 30th (a little late:)!
Happy belated Birthday Christine!
30 is NOT old at all.