I finally made it out to take some pictures of B in her birthday dress. And thank goodness I did when I did, because it was FREEZING the next day and for a week afterwards.
The pattern: Simplicity 9940, year 1981. I sewed up view two.
I added four inches to the pattern and it’s still too short, which is why she’s wearing leggings and will have to as long as it fits.
It’s funny when you use old patterns how they tend to do things the hard way. But also fun to see how advanced things have become and the short-cuts I know how to make when I want to.
Just a tad on the bunting. It’s so easy and self explanatory, and I’m sure there a zillion and one tutorials on it, but I just used a charm pack and sewed the squares sandwiched between narrow double folded bias tape. I bought two dowels to stand in the dirt and tie the bunting to. Easy peasy.
Fabric on dress is Joel Dewberry: Modern Meadow Flower Fields. Fabric on bunting is Moda American Jane Punctuation. Buttons: From the Red Kitchen.
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Such a cute girl in such a cute dress!
Happy birthday, little lady!
Beautiful! Great fabric choice.I love picking up old patterns and giving them a modern fabric twist!
That is so adorable! Buttons are such a nice touch. I am almost certain my mother used that pattern for an Easter dress for me….way back when!
absolutely beautiful. so inspiring. i want to be better about making things for my little one. memories to be cherished.
ACK ! this birthday dress is super adorable !!! love the fabrics/trim, that fact that it came from a vintage pattern, your styling in the photos & her cute hair !!!
What a charming dress and wonderful touches! Happy birthday, little lady:)
It’s a Wrap Link Party at Artful Rising
Now I’m curious. What was the “hard way” and what shortcuts did you take?
The bodice top wanted a lot of hand-stitching to be done. I didn’t do that. The ruffle and hem was also done a strange way on the instructions. All patterns seem to add extra steps that I don’t normally do:).
Super cute birthday dress for Miss B!
happy birthday little one!
It turned out great!
Oh my, super cute!
So pretty. B is such a grown up cute little girl! Her hair is so adorable too. Did you braid it first?
That’s funny that the dress was so short. It’s perfect with leggings though!
clever, clever girl and I have to laugh — those vintage patterns have me stumped; I had to ring my mother in law to ask what ‘basting’ was the first time I made a dress like that! You have done a great job, and your daughter is gorgeous x Nicole – Bubby Makes Three
such a cute little dress and such a cute little girl.