I’ve mentioned that I know quite a few pregnant ladies right now. The number holds at 12, even with 2 of them having had their babies already. On my list of things to get finished before our little girl joins us was to get simple, inexpensive gifts sewn up so they were ready to gift when those sweet souls are born.
I cut out fabric to make 47 burp cloths. Why so many? I DON’T KNOW—I was suckered into the adorable prints at Joann! …and I had a coupon that could be combined with their sale, so I bought 1/2 a yard of many different prints, and for that 1/2 yard, each print only cost about $1.25. Only two have cotton fabric rather than flannel.
Plus it’s a good way to be able to use my woven tags :).
I’ll be keeping one in this cotton print.
And maybe one in this cool building print.
Here’s another favorite. Too bad the ones pictured above and below are not girly prints too much. Oh well, I still might keep one of each. You can never have too many burp cloths, right?
I used THIS white, subtly striped soft fabric for the backing since I had a coupon for 50% off. It’s the same stuff I used in THIS blanket. I love it because of the stripes and because it is oh so super soft.
There’s a million tutorials for burp cloths out there, many of them the same. These measure around 17” x 10” each (would have been longer but the flannel shrinks quite a bit in the wash).
I’ve only sewn 15 so far of what I have cut out. They are quick, but with so many things on my to-do list, the rest are on hold while I finish organizing my house. It’s a good feeling, getting so much done while I have a little more energy the last week. I don’t know how long it will last though so I need to take advantage of it now!
Happy Sewing!
They’re all so lovely! I always drool over the flannels at Joann, and end up buying way more than I need.
BTW, where did you get your woven lables? They’re simple and sweet.
Jen :)
Those are all so cute! I have a nephew being born soon and was going to use flannel from my stash to make some burp cloths, but now I want to go buy new fabric, I haven’t seen a lot of those prints at JoAnn before but they are adorable! And yay for bursts of energy!
Even if they are boy prints, keep them! The men in your life would love to not have something so girly on their shoulders. My hubby appreciated it for sure!
Those are my go-to small gifts for babies too! I usually use white terrycloth for the back. I will have to look for that soft and striped fabric. Super cute flannels!
Those are very cute. I love all the fun prints. I have plain dyed cloth diapers, so the prints are super exciting! I hope you do keep a few cute ones for you too!
ADORE THEM!!! Think my fave is the fabric with the animals – lovin that camel :) Where’s the fabric from? I’m preggars and would love to stitch some of my own :)