I had the opportunity to meet with some of my favorite bloggers over the past weekend and it was so fun! (I’ll be blogging more about that when I have more pictures ready).
We talked a bit about shops, websites, our families, life, etc, and it was just what I needed to nudge me to finish up some things that were already in the works.
First off, I’m a .com now. It’s lemonsqueezyhome.com, rather than the “a” before lemon because that was taken. I had purchased the domain alemonsqueezyhome.com for a couple years but I decided to not renew when the time came around once, and now it’s taken. Oh well. It’s not hard to find with a search so I’m not worried about that! The change might take a couple more days to be complete.
Second, I’m not going to be selling on Etsy anymore. I had signed up for Big Cartel a couple weeks ago but didn’t finish setting up shop. I have now, thanks to some discussion with the blogging buddies. The good news is that the prices are really great, and I’m trying to figure out how the prints can be emailed to you immediately. So does anyone know how to do that? I’m having a hard time figuring that out!
In other news regarding my shop, do you remember my pendant necklaces? I’m done selling those, so I have a PDF file for sale that allows you to make and sell your own sewing machine pendants, as long as credit is given to me for the sewing machine design.
Third, my tutorials are finally a bit more organized into categories, though still far from perfectly organized. I hope that helps you maneuver a bit easier! I also added a few that were missing.
And lastly, my words for the year are SIMPLIFY and ENJOY. As you know, I’ve stopped taken sponsors (for now at least while I figure things out with balancing everything in life). It’s been so good for me. I’ve received a couple emails expressing disappointment over my lack of blogging lately, and I appreciate that you enjoy my posts but even more I appreciate the kind responses as I’ve explained my focus on simplifying and enjoying my family more. It’s been great.
How did you find out about it!? I really want to meet some bloggers!
I’d love to hear more about your experience. I’ve got a big cartel for my shop, but have yet to set it up. I think it might be better for selling my patterns rather than etsy. Would love any tips if you have them :).
Balancing all we mamas have to do is always a challenge and will probably ebb and flow throughout life as our kids grow older. You must do what is best for you and I think you should be so proud for doing what your family needs!!
For instant downloads, try Pulleyapp.com. I use it to sell pdf patterns on my blog but I believe it works in sync with Big Cartel as well. I really like it!
I know that Ashley over at Make it and Love it recently made it so her big cartel will automatically email patterns out to customers after purchase. You may want to shoot her an email and she could maybe help you out!
i like your changes christie. and yep, pulley is used with big cartel to have instant download stuff. :)
I think you’re great Christie. Good job on moving over to a .com and Big Cartel. If you don’t mind I would love to pick your brain on some of those changes. I have a lot I don’t know in that area and would love to learn.
These sound like fabulous changes! And not small either. Congratulations! So nice to swap ideas with you!
Meeting you the other weekend was great! You are so sweet and so adorable.
good for you! and enjoy the changes….
I would love to meet other bloggers..but that was a fun experience!
Love your words for the year! I love reading your blog, but agree.
Your family is more important! So excited for your new changes :)
Good for you to take control and do things the way that feels right. It’s so easy in blog world to get caught up in wanting to do and be everything, but I think you’re right that it’s more important (and more enjoyable) to do what’s right for you. :)