It was late at night earlier this week. I was browsing YouTube videos (which I rarely do, but past a certain time at night, my brain really doesn’t think straight) and somehow through the recommended videos of recommended videos, I ended up watching some about teens being bullied about how they look. And not just kind of hurtful comments from their peers, but things that will likely stick with those girls and boys forever. It was heartbreaking!
I want so much for my children to have confidence in themselves as a person, and feel comfortable with their image, regardless of whether or not they live up to the world’s standards of beauty or good looks. I also try to teach them to never say unkind things to others. Isn’t amazing how we can probably all remember hurtful comments made from even say, elementary school? I want to teach my children that! Because even though they may forget that they said hurtful things, sometimes those kids might not forget. I also want to teach them to forgive if they are the recipient of those comments.
Poppy had chosen a book at the library, and the point of the book was great. The book is “I Like Myself” by Karen Beaumont, and is about loving who you are.
Sometimes I wish I remembered to think like this as well! And I’m 31!
(click on these links to be directed to an up do 8×10 printable: red, green, blue, pink)
Thank you so much for sharing this. As a self-conscious person and watching friends go through various bullying problems, this was a good thing to be reading today.
My son really needs this right now…at age 7 he gets stares and questions all the time…he needs to know that he is more than how he appears.
i have that book and i have read it to my daughter so much she has it memorized! xo
Beautiful quote. Thanks for sharing the printable. I think this is important for everyone to hear. It’s just awful that people can be so mean to others.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 3 post on May. 03, 2012. Thanks again.
You have a beautiful blog with so many inspiring posts! Congrats on your work!
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