Who loves Downton Abbey? I loved the first season but thought it was a bit soap opera-ish, and although I still like the second season plenty, it’s definitely soap opera-ish now, which I don’t love (especially last night’s episode 6—I didn’t like that one so much). But let’s chat clothing…
Their costumes are amazing, don’t you agree? You can read an interview by the costume designer for the show HERE.
I also found some beautiful clothing and pictures of Michelle Dockerey, who plays Mary Crawley. Love love love the first and second dresses!
I am loving the detail on this top and skirt worn by Jessica Brown-Findlay, who plays Cybil.
Do you ever wish and hope just a little that your favorite character in a movie or series, has the same personality in real life as they do in the show? I feel that way about Joanne Froggatt, who plays Anna Smith. I love her character on the show. I’m kind of liking the zipper going down the back of the dress. Fun detail on such an elegant dress!
So what about you? Have you watched the show?
My husband and I have been hooked on Downton Abbey since the first show, just love it, but last night’s episode (6) was a disappointment. Robert’s behavior with Jane was really off character I thought as well as very immoral! It seems the characters are changing too much. Anyways, the clothes are sooooo beautiful! By the way, thank you for the Charity Quote printable. It is sure a great reminder on how to treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated. Have a blessed day!
I’ve never seen the show, but it seems like I’ve heard so much about it all of the sudden recently. Funny how that happens. I do love the clothes though!
I really love the show, althought I’m with you on the soap opera-ness. I mean how many seasons will we have to watch before the situation between Mary in Matthew is resolved?! (Although I haven’t watched last nights episode yet, so maybe it’s happened, but I doubt it). And I love their clothing! Mary’s evening dresses are always my favorite.
Oh I am so hooked on that show! Really the clothes are just lovely! I wish they would just hurry up and get somewhere with the story though =)
Never have seen the show, but I love the costumes/dresses! Can I catch this show on Netflix?
Ugh. Joanna froggat needs to stop it in that dress, that is just amazing. Long dresses are hard for short girls, and she rocks that.
I think the dresses on that show are so much more beautiful than any Awards show dress I have seen. They are stunning! I love Joanna too since I first saw her in Robin Hood.
We just finished season 1 on Netflix. And in the last episode, Cora was wearing the most beautifully embroidered dress ever.
ps- I have my “charity” quote hanging on the fridge. Thanks for that!
Love the show! Watched it all online. The costumes are to die for! :)
I do love the show and have to say that it has become a bit soapy but still ~ much better than any soaps we have in the States.
The clothes are stunning. I would have loved to live in that time.
wow so the ladies are as stylish off scene as on scene!
Love downtown and all the old outfits. wonder if i could find an excuse to wear a gown nowadays?
How funny… I was working late on Saturday night on some birthday presents for our Primary and watched the entire first season on Netlix. Yes, I stayed up too late. :) I hadn’t heard about it at all til a few days before. And when Seth asked me what it was, I totally said it’s like a soap opera… just not quite as trashy… :)
Anyways, yes, I was thinking how awesome it would be to dress up like them.
I had never hear about the show before the story on CBS morning show. I got hooked after watching the first show on Hulu plus. I have now finished both seasons in one week. Love the clothes and the show.