I really wanted to love this as a maxi dress because I am in LOVE with this fabric. I especially wanted to love it because Joel Dewberry was lovely to work with as I had a couple problems with the pattern that he addressed quickly and more than sufficiently. (If you’ve bought the pattern, be sure to read pattern corrections HERE.)
Once it was completed though, I felt kind of like a pioneer.
Maybe it’s because I used the cotton instead of the voile, which although is more pricey, looking back I wish I would have known it came in voile and purchased that instead so it would look better. Never again will I make myself clothing with quilting fabric (unfortunately I won’t make that promise for Little Miss B’s clothing I sew). I know that quilting cotton isn’t for apparel, but yet I still use it! I’m sure it added to the fullness. It just wasn’t looking good to me. And while I wore it all I could think of was the song, “Pioneer children sang as they walked, and walked, and walked…”
So I unpicked the bottom ruffle and used up the rest of my precious homemade binding along the bottom.
Now I really like it. I received a lot of compliments on it at church this past Sunday. So if you bought the pattern and don’t love the maxi dress, you could try just the top portion of the pattern.
Ahhh, homemade bias tape is the best. Isn’t it so pretty? So love the Citrine Line! I think I’m going to order some in voile and make a top or something with it.
I also wanted to let you know that Kirsten Duke of Kirsten Duke Photography is having a fun event on her blog during the month of September.
Check out the terrific line-up of bloggers! I’m excited to be involved because it’s going to make me do a little home décor rather than sewing…which is good to take a break from every now and then and do something else! Be sure to read more about her fun challenge and why she feels so passionately about it!
Hope you are having a happy day!
I love that fabric, how fresh and beautiful! And the dress turned out really cute! I love maxi dresses, but not in the summer…TOO hot. I love the top of the dress, a different look than most maxi dresses
You so didn’t need to apologize for the pictures – they both did perfect. :)
And I love it shorter too. You cracked me up with the pioneer song, but I can see how it would make you think that. Love it!
I love Joel Dewberry. I need to suck it up and finally own some of his fabric! I love how the dress turned out:)
totally gorgeous! I love that you didn’t like it and made it work, that’s awesome. and yeah, I gave up sewing clothes for myself using quilting cotton. You look beautiful!
Very cute! And I love that fabric too!
Oh! I love it! beautiful fabric!
That fabric is so yummy!
I agree with you. The dress suits you better shorter and without the ruffle. Everyone has their own style and that’s just yours I suppose!
The fabric is really beautiful but I find voile really hard to sew nicely with.
Love that fabric! And the dress definitely looks better without that ruffle :o)
Your comment about the pioneer song totally made me laugh…for like five minutes!
Don’t you love how you imagine something in your head and then you sew it and really don’t like it? That has also happened to me many times…
I really agree that everyone has their own style.
I love to see the projects you do. I am a budding fashion designer by trade…but it takes a lot of guts to do tutorials and blog about what you sew!
Keep ’em coming :)
Check out my upcoming clothing line on my facebook page under Whimsey Lane Apparel if you would like.
Super cute! I admit that I am not a huge fan of maxi dresses in general. But I really love the way you altered the dress. It looks fabulous on you!
Ooh, I love it! That fabric is fabulous. I’m so glad you were able to bring the dress back from the 1800’s. ;)
(PS Thanks for the emails this morning, even though they weren’t for me. I’m glad I’m not the only one who occasionally has missing brain cells!)
So pretty Christie. I agree, it looks much better without the ruffle.
It really does look so great on you. Too bad about it not working out as a maxi. But I bet you’re right about the fabric.
the maxi dress looked nice but the shorter version looks awesome…. good eye!!! have a great weekend!
It looks great! Although I thought it was fine with the bottom ruffle, it is better without! I have been looking at that pattern too. I love his fabric so much!!!
In our blog http://lascreacionesdebeaynatalia.blogspot.com/ , we’ve dedicate some post about reusing and reciclying. We’ve visited some blogs that show us to do it. One of them is A LEMON SQUEEZY HOME, so we invite you to visit our blog. The blog is in Spanish, but you can use a gadget to translate it. Thanks!