1. I’ve been reading up a storm the past few weeks and loving every minute of it! A few of my recent reads include Nothing to Envy, Edenbrooke, Bloom, and Heaven is Here. I highly recommend every one of those (especially Edenbrooke if you are looking for a quick, clean, romance)!
2. We only have three weeks left until school starts. I’m sad about it. I really love having my kids home and knowing what’s going on in their lives (since it’s like pulling teeth getting them to talk about school once they are home!). It will just be me and Poppy home again. She sure gets bored without them! We still have a few things to check off our summer bingo list (idea from Delia HERE) we made a few weeks ago, but it is fun to see all that we have done!
3. Update on my oldest son (Mr. Zippy): He is doing great! We took him to the doctor and he suggested waking him up half an hour before the night terrors start. He was also tested for diabetes since we figured his waking up is related to having to go potty all the time. He really pees more than all of us combined throughout the day. No joke. But his tests came back normal, which is great of course! We actually decided to see how it went and he’s gone from 2-3 a week, to none this week! The key was giving him a glass of milk before bed to help him sleep (whether that is indeed the case or in his brain he was convinced it would work), and also having Poppy sleep in their room! He mentioned when she sleeps in there he doesn’t have problems, and guess what? I thought back and realized he was right. So she’s been sleeping in there more. They have a bunk bed, with the bottom being a double bed so she sleeps down there with one of the boys. If they start again I will for sure try what his pediatrician suggested (along with some of you!). But I’m happy to report that he is doing really well.
4. I got to see Wicked, THIS concert, and Batman all in the same weekend. I felt spoiled, but it was a well needed break to spend with family and friends!
5. As I said, I needed a break last weekend. My husband has been incredibly busy with work, which is great to help out financially, but he is working crazy long hours. But I thought it is cool and worth sharing that he is currently doing finish carpentry in the Salt Lake Temple while it is closed. It has been a really awesome experience for him. So though he is gone working crazy hours, it’s something he couldn’t pass up!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
I love your Five on Fridays! I’m so happy for Mr. Zippy, that’s so great to hear! And so cool that Dillon is doing work in the temple! Hope you have a good weekend too!
I read your earlier post on Mr Zippy but didn’t comment as I hadn’t experienced it and there were lots of comments with great suggestions. But since you’ve mentioned he sleeps better with poppy that made me think of my boys. They share a room and sleep better when they are both in there. They also have a fan in their room all year around. Just a desk one that is put on the floor and doesn’t point at either of them unless its summer. (Since its winter it’s currently facing the wardrobe) the noise of it helps them settle and it keeps the air circulating. Maybe something else to try if you need?
I’m glad your son is doing better. That’s awesome that your husband gets to work on the temple. Pretty cool experience I’m sure.
I love your five on friday posts too! Glad your oldest is doing better. How sweet that he does better with his sister in his room. Love that.
How fun that you got to play hard. I am due for some of that! :)
I think that is incredibly cool that your husband can work on the temple. What a singular experience that I’m sure will bring blessings to your family for generations to come. How neat that you can tell your grandkids that he did that!