1. We finally got enough snow last week that my kids could play in it for over a couple hours and it didn’t melt during that time. They built forts. Last week’s storm was a big one, and it’s about time! It’s been so strange in Utah the last couple years for winter! I remember my family moving here from Wyoming in 1991 or 1992, and there being snow days and piles and piles of SNOW to play in, all the time! I remember my Uncles jumping off the roof they just shoveled snow off of, into a huge snow pile. That just doesn’t happen anymore! I guess I should have braved the cold and taken my kids sledding, because it’s now in the lovely 60’s here and it’s been wonderful! Have I mentioned that I hate to be cold. It’s unfortunate that I feel cold 90% of the time.
2. I’m trying to find some good ideas for our quiet bag. The bag that is supposed to have enough quiet things in it to help my children last through church. My friend (the same who does Ten on Tuesdays) posted THIS and I will try some of them. Do any of you have more ideas to help us out while at church? If only they made Bible characters as Legos. Then at least my kids might refrain from making Ninjago noises during church.
3. If you sew or craft or create in some way, do you agree that you appreciate a handmade gift so much more? I received a wonderful surprise in the mail last week from a friend I “met” blogging (we haven’t met in real life, but I love her blog and she’s super talented) and it seriously made my month! I will never forget that act of kindness, and I LOVE what she sent me so much! But what was even sweeter was the beautiful handwritten note inside the package. It meant so much to me that she thought of me and took the time out of her busy life to do that. I love thoughtful people!
4. I love finding new blogs that I think, “Where have I been? I didn’t know you existed!” But it’s also one of those, “NOoooooo, I don’t have time to add another one to my list!” Yet there are so many inspiring places to drop by for a minute. How often do you sift through your google reader, and how many blogs do you follow regularly? Do you have any that I might like? Maybe you shouldn’t tell me ;). I apparently have little self control when finding lovely blogs to enjoy.
5. I have some new names for my kids for this here blog. I love their real names (of course) and I’d love to share, but I just want a little privacy for them. I’ve never liked to type just the first initial of their name. It feels too impersonal and I feel like so many of you know my kids and I appreciate your kind comments regarding them! Anyway, here they are:
Mr. Zippy. Previously known here as C, my eight year old son. Why Mr. Zippy? Because he’s full of life and loves to have fun, is energetic, and very spirited. This seems to be the only word in the English language that encompass his personality!
Sunshine. Previously known here as D, my seven year old son. I picked the name Sunshine for him because he’s such a happy and positive kid. He loves everyone around him and helps everyone around him to be happy!
Poppy. Previously known here as B, or Little Miss B, my three year old daughter. I picked the name Poppy for her because Dillon and I were trying to think of something cute, but a bit on the wild side. So we thought of wildflowers and eventually I decided upon Poppy because I love everything about them. They are bright, cheery, and grow wild. This little girl is so fun and even when she’s being a bit naughty, she always has a spark in her eye and keeps us laughing with her feisty but sweet personality.
I hope your weekend is full of sunshine and smiles (and lollipops and rainbows)!
LOVE the new kids names, especially Poppy! :o)
Love the nicknames!! Very fitting.
For church, my older 2 only get copies of The Friend and the younger ones get sticker books. It works for us. :)
And I definitely think the same thing whenever I find a new blog. So I think I need to go through and stop following some but it’s so hard to choose any to stop following. Haha.
I like the names. And the initials – so hard to read when a blog says something like, “D told T not to worry when R ran outside because N would watch her.” And when they are all DDs and DSs with ages, or maybe birth order? “DD-1 was taking care of DD-3 and DS-5 and DS-6 when who should arrive home from college but DS-1!” Ack!
Winters have been crazy. I agree. We were buried in it last year though. We had mounds of snow in our front yard and we are south facing. Our snow always melts first, so the fact that we had mini sled hills says a lot.
I’ve been thinking of filling my church bag with better things too! I had a thought to make a mini-series of it, but I just don’t have the energy right now. :) Your ninjago comment made me laugh.
Yes…I agree that it’s tough to blog, answer emails and then check everyone else’s blogs. How do other people do it? I do it completely randomly and under-utilize my google reader. If I check them through there I feel like I’m behind. But if I check them here and there by going to the actual sites as I think of it, I feel a lot less overwhelmed. I miss a lot though…
I have gotten a lot of great church craft/activity ideas from http://www.catholicicing.com I don’t think you’re Catholic, but there are still a bunch of ideas you could use like this Resurrection Set: http://catholicicing.com/2011/04/religious-easter-craft-for-kids-make/
Maybe the kiddos would like this.
It is the old testament in legos. Not sure if they have any others but I thought it looked pretty cool.