Today I am thankful for…
-my beautiful children and family. I realized yesterday with full force how much I’ve taken for granted that I’ve easily gotten pregnant with my children (B was the longest, but just a year). This time around it’s taking a bit longer, but I am also thankful for the chance I’ve had to have three children at all, and for the peace that comes even when things don’t go the way I plan.
-my hard working husband. Even when money seems to want to rule our lives, I’m thankful for peace knowing that things have always worked out no matter how bad they look. And I’m thankful for kindness shown to my family from others in this area. A couple years ago when money was tighter than normal, a dear friend’s husband lost his job and and I realized that I had been feeling like I deserved a certain standard of living and didn’t want to conform to our new income. I am thankful I learned then that I am not entitled to a certain amount of money.
-doctors and modern medicine. SO thankful. Poor C got strep and just became sick after school yesterday. So hubby and him will be missing Thanksgiving dinner with my family. But how great it is that just 12 hours after the first dose, he feels so much better. With c-sections, gall bladder removal, ruptured appendix, pneumonia, broken elbow, tonsils, craniosynostosis in a few short years …yes. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for modern medicine.
-gentle reminders from prophets and apostles. I’m thankful for what I believe in and how it changes and shapes who I am. I’m thankful they remind us to be happy now, and not wait until your life is worry and stress free. Because then you’d never be happy.
-good family and friends. I have a lot of awesome examples of great qualities I hope to achieve someday.
-you! Your kind words. Your thoughtful emails. And I know people don’t always love the ads on blogs, but thank you for coming, because the money the ads earn helps my family. Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Christie, this is such a sweet post. I was thinking about what I am grateful for and I was thinking of some of the same thing as yours.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)
Great post! I hope you all had a wonderful day!!
Hi there. I absolutely love your blog. after quite a long time i came across so much inspiration and in a way – so much peace just reading about the things you do, the art you create. after a long long time i started creating things again. last night i made an origami dragon mobile and im so so much at peace :-)) and i realize i owe this blessed feeling to you. its amazing to me how sometimes a blessed stranger from oceans away has the power to heal us… Thanksgiving is months away yet, but.. Thank you! and a big hug to you and thy three little angels :-)
Lord bless you and your close ones *