I was thrilled when Dana let me come and help in her class she taught at Alt!
More than thrilled, really, because not only was I able to meet her which was a great opportunity, I was also able to meet a lot of other great bloggers whom I really admire.
From left to right: Nikki from Salty Pineapple, Anneliese from Aesthetic Nest, Britteny, Dana, Delia from Delia Creates, Cheri from I am Momma Hear me Roar, Collette from Heaps of Laundry, me, and Stacie from Jame. It was SO fun to meet all of these ladies and they were all so lovely!
I thought it was also fun to chat with those attending the class and hear where they traveled from. I’m amazed at how far people come for Alt! And although I wasn’t able to attend any of the conference other than Dana’s class, I think it would be a BLAST after reading through all the posts and seeing a small glimpse of the happenings around the hotel. Better start saving now! See that blonde sitting on the right in the picture below? I knew I recognized her and while she was walking around taking pictures for Dana, I asked her if she had a blog and she said yes, Crafterhours. To which I said, “You’re Susan!” I hope she wasn’t weirded out ;). It was fun to talk with her for a few minutes as well.
After the class, a few of us decided to hang out a little longer.
Just look at the yummy food we were able to eat!
But what was even better of course was having some time to get to know these ladies a little better. They are all so great, sincere, and fun to be around! It’s always nice to be able to talk to other bloggers and ask advice and hear experiences. We laughed a lot and just had a great time. I’m so happy I got to be involved.
That makes me wish I could have gone. I went the first year, and I learned more in that weekend than any other conference I’ve went to. You wouldn’t be disappointed!
Love seeing all the baby bumps too :)
Muito legal! Deve ter sido maravilhoso!
It was so fun to meet you too. :) You are a truly genuine, good, lovely, talented, endearing person on your blog in real life. I think the world of you Christie!