If you are new here, you can catch up on why I would make Ruby a hospital gown HERE. She will be having open heart surgery in about a month :(.
I was offered some advice to make sure and take pictures of her scar-free chest before surgery. It makes me sad thinking we don’t have much longer until her surgery. But her heart has problems that need to be fixed, and we are so thankful and amazed with modern medicine and how it can be fixed, thank goodness. The success rate is high. So we hope and pray for the best. I just learned this week that her surgery will include bypass. That is hard to think about as well.
There is so much joy and radiating beauty from her soul. Love her!!!
I know very well from Bailey’s surgery on her head how helpless one can feel while your little one suffers. Maybe this little hospital gown will make a teeny difference in her comfort.
It will smell like home. It is soft. It will allow for all the tubes and wires coming from her. It might get stained and ruined. That is ok. If the little animals on it give her something to look at, then great. If the long sleeves help keep her from pulling at her tubes and wires, excellent. My hope is that this will do her some good in her recovery, no matter how small the difference it makes. I just feel the need to do something–anything, to help her after her surgery, you know?
Complete with four snap closures and lengthened a couple inches, I made the 62cm size from the Ottobre Design 1/2006.
I’ll put on some socks with babylegs and she should be plenty warm.
What a sweet little sweetheart. And that hospital gown is simply adorable. I will be praying for her, and anxiously awaiting positive news on your facebook feed after the surgery!
(P.S. She only looks a teeny tiny bit like C when he was that age. I love how all our children have different looks and personalities.)
Your darling baby girl makes me smile, every time I see her photo.
She is amazing.
I love the gown you made her. I am sure she will be comforted by it.
Best wishes to you all.
I wish you all the best, a successful surgery und a qick recovery for your baby girl. She is so sweet! For you I wish strong nervs and confidence in your child that she will handle it. Best wishes, Elke
Praying for Ruby and the rest of the family right now. She looks like such a sweet little girl with a gorgeous smile and bright eyes. I too am amazed at what doctors can do. Get well soon Ruby. Hope the new robe with cool animals mummy has made for you will make you feel better and give you something to look at and smile about :)
Blessings and lots and lots of strength to you and your beautiful family. Ruby’s little smile is like sunshine. (She gave me my first smile this morning.)
I hope the best for your and your family. We have 2 grand daughters who went thru heart surgery at 3 and 6 months old. I am please to say they are healthy and fine today, thanks to the amazing medical personnel that helped them thru this.
Will keep you and your family in my thoughts.
Such a sweet little gown. Praying for a very successful surgery. God Bless you and your beautiful family!!
She’s blessed to have a momma that loves her so much. She looks like a happy baby, good job giving her a safe place to grow. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
she is so precious…she’s going be alright. My son (Hypoplastic left hear syndrome) had his first open heart surgery at 7 days old. He is now 7 years old.
Praying for little Ruby and your family. Thanks for sharing. oh nice hospital gown she will definitely need it.
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I did this a few months ago for a friends baby having major surgery. I felt dumb…like is this really what you need at a time like this? But sewing is what I do…so that’swhat I did. The mom loved it, said the nurses were going crazy over it. Keep strong, momma. ::fist bump::