Ruby’s birthday was actually two weeks ago, but I have been very busy this summer so far with all four kids home, taking a break from sewing after Project Sewn, and my calling in church. So I am just getting around to this post!
Ruby’s birthday was perfect! We spent it doing simple things with her. We went to the park to swing, we opened her presents, we blew up balloons and let her play with them (well supervised of course). It was wonderful. She loved her birthday cake so much. It was a heart shape, naturally!
We’ve had multiple people tell us that she is finally starting to look a little chubby these days. We are thrilled to hear that. She weighed 16 lbs. 10 oz. at her appointment the day after her birthday, which is still less than the 2nd percentile, along with her height which was 27.5”. But her head is growing which shows them the rest of her will soon follow. She has two teeth but one is almost poking through the top now. I managed to put her wild hair into a spout for part of her birthday but ended up taking it out because I kind of prefer the fluff every direction :).
This week she has started to crawl for real, trading in her army crawl for petite and adorable little crawling movements. She can climb to the top of the stairs but always waits with a big smile for one of us to help her feel safe doing so.
My mom got her an adorable swim suit for her birthday and she had so much fun swimming for the first time! Don’t let the grumpy look below fool you—I’m pretty sure she could have stayed in the water all day! Maybe that’s the problem—I took her out of the water :).
This baby girl…she has brought us so much joy. So much. She is such a friendly baby and she just loves people. She loves to say hi to everyone and has a smile for everyone. It’s the best. She is full of energy and full of life. Her entire birthday I was tearing up. It is so wonderful to celebrate any first birthday, but it’s extra special when it’s a birthday you weren’t sure you would get to celebrate. I am so thankful.
I am also so thankful to all of you for your love and support, especially personally towards my family. Sure, it’s fun to sew and be inspired and I love the sewing community. But what has meant even more is the real life support, particularly through Ruby’s health issues. Thank you!
Here are the past posts to compare :).
happy birthday ruby! It has been so fun to watch her grow :)
Happy Birthday Beautiful! I am so thrilled that Ruby has become such a happy, healthy little girl. She is a joy to behold.
Yay! I can’t believe she is one already! Happy Birthday sweet Ruby. She is a doll, who’s been through a lot, but man she’s a trooper—and so are you guys! :)
wow happy birthday little lady! it brings a smile to your face to see how well you are doing.
Happy Birthday, Ruby! What a beautiful girl.
Happy Birthday Ruby! And as everyone else has said – you have such a beautiful daughter – I’m not yet blessed with children of my own (Getting married in September :-D) and those photographs made me long for that day!
Yay! Happy Birthday to Ruby. I’m so glad to hear she is doing well!
Happy birthday, Ruby!! That sweet face never fails to make me smile!
I have just been reading about your little Ruby. What a lovely bub and so much to go through and still to be so smiley and happy. Blessings to you all. You sound like you have a wonderful family. Happy Birthday Ruby!!
Ruby looks so good! I’ve missed the last few months photos and she has filled out and looks so good. Sweet, happy girl . . . can’t ask for more than that. Happy Birthday Ruby!!!!!!!
What a joy to celebrate this birthday! I would have been tearing up all day, too!