What’s super amazing and awesome is that yesterday evening, I thought to myself that I didn’t want to gift just the garland and heart ornament–I wanted to give people some leg warmers to keep their sweet babies warm. I always feel cold in hospitals and feel like my kiddos are cold while they stay there, so something useful was definitely on my radar. I posted on Facebook, just on a whim, wondering if anyone had some to spare and would be willing to donate some pairs of leg warmers. I had 5 pair myself and wanted enough to make 15 boxed gift sets. In no time at all I had many offers to give me some leg warmers! I was so touched by the quick response and generosity of people! This is definitely something that might be an ongoing project–we will see. I’ve been brainstorming. For now, I’m just really happy I actually got them finished and delivered this evening.
We walked into the hospital and it was so great to see a line of people with donations. I filled out the slip that explained the gift and the story behind the donation, along with who it was intended for. Then the sweet lady took this picture of us and printed it then and there. She was so kind and encouraging. I showed her what was inside the boxes and she was excited to give them to the lady in charge of the gifts in the CICU.
We got a snack in the cafeteria and I got to explain to the kids some of my feelings…point out the table I sat at each evening where I cried and prayed, and called family–them included. And my kids all talked about how happy they were that Ruby was doing so well and I got to sit and ponder how it felt to be there last year. The worries, the stresses, the emotional roller-coaster. And then we got back to our van and said a prayer for all the children struggling in that hospital, and prayed for their families and for them to feel peace. It was just a neat experience and I’m so excited to add a meaningful Christmas tradition each year! And oh how I love these four kiddos of mine.
I do need to plan ahead better, however ;). And maybe I’ll enlist your help in the future!
I just wanted to thank you all for your love and support of our sweet Ruby and our family. Thank you. So many of you have really touched our lives with your kindness.
P.S. I will have details on how to make the zipper heart ornament and the Christmas garland later on :).
So so sweet and thoughtful. I’m so glad your little girl is doing well!
Such a sweet idea! I can speak from experience on how much gifts mean to families! We do a fundraiser every year to provide gifts to the PICU where my daughter spent many months.
You can read all about it on my blog http://www.AverieLane.com
erry Christmad to your beautiful family!
My phone totally botched that last line…
Merry Christmas!!
Please do let us know, would love to help! Merry Christmas to your family, so delighted to see Ruby doing so well, enjoy!!
this is my first visit to your blog and here I am tearing up. So glad that things have turned out so well for your family and your little girl.
Merry Christmas from Colleen
Happy Heartacersery!!! It goes by fast doesn’t it! I forgot my son’s 1st one this year! It was a week ago! His second is in March. 😊💙->❤️
What could be more appropriate than those zipper hearts?! I’m sure the families who receive your gifts will feel your sweet heart in them.
I’m so glad your little girl is doing well..soo cuties baby…merry christmas to ur family..
thank you for sharing this. it is amazing to see how well your little ruby is doing. wishing you all a very merry christmas xxx
So heart warming! It’s great that you get to do this with the whole family. I’m sure the gift will be loved by the recipients. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thank God for Ruby’s health. She looks great!
What a beautiful thing to do. Your kiddos are very lucky to have such a thoughtful Mum.
Oh I love this!! What a wonderful example you set for your children and what a wonderful way to help lift the spirits of those currently spending time in the hospital. Happy New Year!!
Brilliant story brought tears to my eyes…
My little man is rudy and he had heart surgery at 2 weeks old
We are waiting for open heart surgery my baby girl will have the end of February. Your posts are so encouraging and uplifting. And I’m just enamored by Ruby and what a beautiful, strong, and vibrant little girl she is. I can’t wait to look back on pictures of my little one’s surgery and recovery, and have a healthier child next to me. It feels like a giant mountain we are about to climb. I went out and bought some leg warmers because it seemed practical and adorable for the hospital. Thank you! I can’t imagine the JOY you shared with so many families in the thick of surgery and recovery in the hospital :)