Part I can be found HERE. (summary of Science Camp with Sabra and her sis).
After dinner on Tuesday we made ice cream with tin cans. The science of ice cream can be found HERE. I used a recipe like THIS one. And a few different methods to make ice cream without a maker can be found HERE.
After ice cream, it was on to Suzi talking about astronomy. The kids started out making their own individual Earth out of play dough, but they had the inner core, mantel, crust, and outer core. They loved it!
Next the kids got to “take a trip to Mars.” They chose from pictures what they would take if they were going to Mars, and after they wrote down we discussed why some were good choices and why some weren’t, so they could learn more about space that way.
Moving along to the next brand new day, we started with Body Science. Suzi talked about our taste buds first.
The kids dried off their mouths and tried a pretzel with no saliva, rinsed out their mouth with water, then tried it with their mouth moist and noted the difference in taste.
Next they were blindfolded one at a time. Their partner plugged their nose and stuck a jelly belly in their mouth. They chewed for a second and noticed they couldn’t tell what it tasted like too much, until their nose was unplugged. We all tried that, and it’s kind of crazy how the flavor rushes into your mouth once your nose is unplugged!
And then B tried out her body science by peeing her pants shortly after this picture ;).
Then they made fingerprints on paper and talked about those for a bit!
Final summary of our camp tomorrow! Would you believe if I told you I’m not even using a third of the pictures I took! It’s hard to narrow it down!
The pic and comment about B peeing her pants made me laugh. and your pics are way better than mine!
LOVE THIS!! Full of ideas for our homeschool science this year! Thanks so much for all your detailed info. Funny you had the ice cream in a coffee can as I have a draft I haven’t finished to post on how to do that :) Thanks again Kristy from
This science camp is just so cool! We just made ice cream in a can but it melted almost right away. :)
Seriously. I love that you and Sabra did this. What great moms you are.
Looks like a bunch of fresh little minds learning and having great fun in the process, way to go!
Looks like lots of fun and lots of learning! I will definately be doing this!!!!