I made this back in September for my oldest son C, who turned eight and was baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I’ll post more about his special day in my next post, but today I just wanted to share his scripture cover.
I know there are a lot of great tutorials out there for scripture cases or covers, but I decided on Delia’s tutorial (Delia Creates) HERE.
Hers is for a quadruple combination, but I was trying to save a bit of money and ended up getting the economy scriptures that don’t come all combined. So I had to try and figure out the middle flap and didn’t do a wonderful job, but C really doesn’t care. The middle flap is a bit thick and I’ll try a couple different things with it next time, and if I do figure it out I will share later…my next son will be 8 in a little over a year from now, so it’s coming right up!
C had fun choosing out the dinosaur fabric and was really excited when he opened it up. He loves bringing them to church and I frequently find him reading them in bed at night.
My sewing machine is getting dusty—I haven’t sewn since a couple weeks before Christmas. And since I can check my emails from my new phone, I’m not very motivated these days! I am still checking emails, reading comments, and looking at blogs, so I’m around…just not posting much!
Fantastic! My oldest daughter asked me to sew her a cover for her Bible. I’ve got the fabric, but hadn’t gotten to the point of looking for tutes yet. We are Catholic, but I could see this same idea work for a Bible/Catechism combo. Thanks for the idea!
Lovely scripture cover, nice practical colours for a little man too!
You introduced me to Blogland about eighteen months ago when I was looking for a tissue holder tutorial via Google. I devoured everything on you blog and was hooked! I love your posts which are always easy to follow, gorgeous and inspirational I hope you go back to posting more soon as I miss you.
Nicki x
Sew cute!
This is on my To Do list too! I’m sure every other boy in his class is totally jealous of his dino-doctrines. ;)
too cute! I love that you find him reading them at night. I have seen Delia’s case cover, but seeing your version makes it click that this might be perfect for our new, updated Psalm book. It’s this awkwardly large softcover book, drives me crazy, as soon as I got it I was doom and gloom that it was going to be in rough shape in no time and impossible to make a good case for. But this cover would be grand!
I think you did a marvelous job. You are definitely a better sewer than me! Very creative way to combine the two books.
sew cute. i love read your blog.
This is awesome! In the Netherlands we don’t have quadrupels and your solution is genius! How did you attach the middle part to the cover? Did you sew an extra middle thingy to slide the covers in?
Yah, I just made an extra flap thing and sewed it down the middle–not perfect but it worked! :)
I have used Delia’s scripture cover tutorial several times, but am wanting to make a cover for a friend’s son who has the separate scriptures like you bought. I’m not a “seasoned” sewer, so I was wondering if you happen to have a picture of the case without the scriptures in them so I can see how you did the middle pockets? Thank you!! You are so creative & talented.
Sooo cute Christie!!!! I have a machine but have no idea how to use it! ;0) I would live to be do talented like u!!
how did you sew the middle peice in? I want to make these for my nephews but am not sure how the middle peice goes. thanks.
I need help with the middle piece too! Anyone had any luck? I would really appreciate it! Making some for Christmas for my kiddos!
I haven’t heard anything in a while but I was planning on making them for christmas too. My thought was make the middle flap like the outerflap but with a slip in flap on either side. (if that makes sence) I even thought of attaching it in the middle with velcro so i know it is placed right. but then again it’s easy to sew it in place too. I have no clue how she did it but these were my thoughts. That or make a cover seperatly for each book and sew them in the middle (i don’t like that one really but it gets the job done.)
i was thinking of making it like the front flaps but with a flap on each side to hold the middle. Not sure how she did hers I haven’t heard anything back in a long time.
Would love to know how you made the middle flap.
I was just reading this post over at Sugar Bee Crafts which linked over to the above scripture case tutorial. The post I was reading is a complete tutorial with photos on how to do the middle divider section shown above.
I’ve got to figure out how to make an actual case, not just a cover! All your photos give me lots of ideas, so thanks for posting them. :)
Thanks for that link, Amy.
Just so everyone knows, I have another way I’ve been brainstorming–my son turns 8 in the next two months and I plan on making a tutorial when I make him one. So soon! With this morning sickness, I haven’t been up to it, but have always planned on making a tutorial for everyone. So it will be up in the next two months.
If your email is linked, I have likely replied to your comments if you had questions. If you do not have your email linked, it makes it harder for me and I often forget to reply. I’m trying to do better and reply with a comment here, but that doesn’t always happen.
Came her via Pinterest.
I love that fabric! Do you happen to know the designer or manufacturer?