…Her 3 1/2 year old will give herself a Mullet.
I went to Texas this past weekend to visit my dad. It was a great time (beautiful weather!) and I’ll share a few pictures from my trip later, but this was fun to come home to. Dillon had sent me pictures already on my phone and my dad, brother, and I had a good laugh.
(her hair is wet from combing it before we went to get it cut)
After calling my friend who cuts hair, and sending her a picture, she said she could get her right in. So we went and got it as even as we could!
I feel like she’s a baby again, waiting for her hair to grow in!
What a silly girl. Dillon was downstairs and she said she had to go potty. She was taking a long time, so he went up to check on her and she was just coming out of the bathroom and the first thing she said was, “It’s going to take a long time to grow back.” She kept flipping her few locks left and asking her brothers, “Do you like my cute new haircut?”
Yep, especially this part underneath.
The only thing that kind of makes me sad is that last week I was able to start braiding her hair—my first French braid ever! I had to youtube it and started practicing and was so excited for her to have long enough hair to braid!
But whatever…we helped her feel ok about it and told her it was a good job, but to only let mom or professionals do it next time.
My way of thinking has always been, ‘it’s just hair, it will grow.’ And now she has a cute bob for spring time!
You are such a sweet, sweet, patient mom. I won’t lie. I can imagining myself crying. :( You’re right. It’s just hair.
I think the new short little do is so cute for Easter! But, as someone else said, your reaction was so patient and good!
Oh dear! The bob looks adorable on her though! And I agree with Delia, I was reading thinking what a great resonse you had – I’m not sure I’d do the same, but now if (or when) it happens in our family maybe I’ll have a slightly better reaction than I would have :).
Oh no! I understand. I’ve been there before. More than once. I have three girls and my middle child has a bit of a fascination with scissors and has cut her own hair four times… her older sister’s once (and that one’s BF cut her hair once before, so that’s twice for her)… and the baby sister once. I don’t care where I put the scissors, she finds them. I am really hoping (fingers crossed and knocking on wood) that she’s grown out of it now.
Oh no! That is hilarious you called it a mullet. She still looks super cute though!
And kinda funny it happened while dad was in charge… it’s kind of like she knew it was her chance. ;)
She did a better job then mine did
She didn’t feel like my child again until I was able to pull it back into a pony this last January. we had to cut it again to even out the growth, My husband wants me to always keep it short, he loves short hair. i want the long hair, braids, buns,and curlers back.
She’ll love hearing that story when she gets older! Kinda like the time mom decided to take a bath or something and I took that opportunity to cut YOUR hair, not mine!
She looks so cute with a bob!
Oh no – that’s hilarious!
It reminds me of the time I was ‘babysitting’ (ie watching TV and not paying attention to) my brother when he was about 3. He somehow got into my mum’s hairdye (a nice chestnut brown) and decided to apply it to his fringe. Not even the worst of it! As he only used the colour and (obviously) wasn’t mixing it properly it turned his previously blonde hair bright pink!
Oops :D
Wow you took that well! I would not have. But it does look cute now too. I dread my daughter ever doing this.
She’s adorable!
As a hairstylist I’ve gotten more than one call from friends who have needed help “repairing” their children’s attempt at cutting their own hair :)
My own son took his bangs down to 1/2″ 2 days before kindergarten pics!
She looks adorable!
But I have to tell you, ever since Dillon told Damon about this, Damon has been freak.ing.out. about the possibility of Ivy doing it in the future. He’s genuinely scared. I think it’s funny. I mean Kael cut off his eyelashes..twice, but that was no big deal to him.
So cute and such a little girl thing to do. I remember getting gum in my hair as a little girl and cutting just the gum out, it looked much like your little sweetie’s!
Love her new hair cut!
Oh wow you are a patient Mama! I definitely am not that patient. Too bad she looks so adorable with her new bob ;o)
Oh my goodness. You did very well. She looks adorable with her new spring cut! I agree, she’ll love hearing the story when she’s older. I have evidence for when I gave myself bangs when I was little.
This must be a three year old thing. Of my five kids three have done this. Some way worse than others. One of my sons cut his so short that when I took him to the barbers, the barber said I should just color it in with a marker, that it was too short to fix! Oh dear! I was sad when my daughter did this as it meant cutting off all her baby curls!
My almost 3 year old daughter recently did the same thing! But I was on watch. I was busy teaching her brother division and she went into the bathroom cabinet, pulled the kit out, opened it, and got the scissors out. Unfortunately, there is no fixing my daughter’s mullet. She cut 4 big chunks right off the top of her head! Your daughter’s hair cut is cute.
Oh My! Good for you for not freaking out on her. When I was a child I cut my bangs. You can imagine what that looked like. Love the new hair cut and perfect for spring.
Oh no! My daughter did the same thing a week ago. I was soooo sad. She had gorgeous hair half way down her back and no bangs. Now she has hair at her shoulders and some long bangs that never stay put. It must be something in the air….LOL
Your response was so lovely. I’m not sure I could handle it so effortlessly. I’ve tried to mentally prepare myself for that eventuality (my daughter is quite mischievous and has those tempting Shirley Temple curls!), but I think I still may get a bit teary. Very nice work, mama! :)
well… congratulations? Getting through the “my little girl cut her own hair” moment is a milestone. When my daughter did it she had JUST gotten a cute new bob… but what she did we could hide, so I didn’t cut her hair all off. Hopefully it’ll only happen once. :)