Do you ever have a project on your list for a really, really long time? This is one of those for me. I have another quote related project that I’d like to make for my kitchen as well—another long-standing item I’d like to get done soon. I’m so happy this is finally finished though.
I apologize for the pictures of the ‘final look’. This is hanging in a hallway with zero sunlight. So I tried using one of our daylight bulbs to help out, but it was still pretty dark in the hall. But it’s been a great way to brighten up a dark space in our home.
Here’s how I made mine:
-Ikea frame ($9.99, size 19.75” x 22.5”)
-chicken wire (from Home Depot, in the garden section)
-wire cutters
-staple gun with the 1/4” staples
-mini clothes pins (I found mine in the craft section of Walmart)
-quotes (I have a pinboard HERE that I got mine from). I also made them available to you all to print HERE. *I did not type who said the quotes on the quote squares, so refer to my board of quotes pinned for who said them.
-cardstock cut into various shapes. I used my silhouette, but you could easily cut out the more simple shapes.
And it’s pretty self-explanatory. Cut the chicken wire and be careful. I totally cut myself twice and I was being careful ;). It’s just tricky stuff to work with because it keeps wanting to roll back up. I found using the cardboard from the picture frame helped a little to flatten it out, like this:
Staple it to the back of the frame with the staple gun. You have to do it to the thicker part of the frame, otherwise even with the 1/4” staples it will go through the front (just believe me on this, I tried it).
Print off the quotes HERE onto cardstock and cut out. They are 3.5” squares.
Cut out a variety of shapes.
I used mini glue dots to adhere my shapes to the quote squares.
I also used the glue dots to stick the “Words To Live By” onto the wall. Not sure if that was so smart—hopefully it doesn’t damage the wall but I don’t think it will. I know there are poster glue dots that would probably be a better idea.
Embellish the quote cards however you’d like.
There are always so many quotes that I wish I could remind myself of every single day.
I’m going to love having the great life reminders to read as I walk by it every day. And it’s good for the whole family to be reminded of many of these.
Hope you all have a great day!
I love this idea!
Do you plan on mixing up the quotes? Changing things up? I know that after awhile things become, well, wallpaper and they sort of lose their impact.
You’ve got a gift!
I love this. I may need to to this for my kitchen or something. I did a mini version for the side of my dresser. Things I wanted to remember, and see often. (My dresser is on the side of my bed like where a night stand would be…it’s too tall and I dislike it there-but that’s a story for another day! :) I just cut out different mats in fun shapes and wrote on them. I love this version. I will have to come up with something for my home, because I LOVE quotes! :)
I have something like this….but I use it to hang my girl’s hair bows! It works like a charm!
This is a great way to share quotes! I love the idea, but I really love the quick plan for making the framed chicken wire. Thanks for the inspiration.
Christie that is gorgeous! What a fabulous idea! And I love so many of those quotes too! Next time you do something fun like that, invite me down. Haha! (but for reals, I need motivation to do something crafty :)
You really inspired me! Thanks so much! I made a version with my own favorite quotes here:
I seriously love this. I have some chicken wire too! I might be whipping something like this up soon. Thanks for the inspiration in more ways than one!
I love this! What font type did you use for the quotes ?
Your quote board really turned out great, just beautiful!! I’ve got this linked to my quotes post too today, thanks for posting yours!