10 months old and what a rolling machine this girly has turned into! She is everywhere and knows just where she wants to go and can get there, always by rolling and scooting. None of my other children rolled to get anywhere—they mostly hated their lives while on their tummy, so it’s pretty fun to see her rolling around everywhere!
She’s getting bigger—she almost has fat rolls on her thighs ;). I’m not sure how much she weighs yet but she was in the 3rd percentile last time we went to the doctor, which is good because she is on the charts at least! Go Ruby! And I love love that she is still so small. The onesie above? 0-3 months and finally getting too small for her. And no teeth yet. Every mother’s dream right? For their baby to stay small for a long time. :)
She had her echocardiogram this past Friday as well. And good news! We are so relieved and happy to share that her echo looked good. The leaking around any patches and her tricuspid valve has now stopped, and the obstruction they were keeping their eye on from last time is gone!!! We are thrilled. She is doing so great. The only thing they want to keep an eye on now is her pulmonary artery stenosis. She has a mild case right now and we’re hoping it stays that way—it means that the arteries going to her lungs are on the smaller size. Which could potentially mean a balloon procedure down the road, or not. Just something to watch and hope that she does fine with!
She wasn’t too happy to be held by her cardiologist, haha! I had to have Bailey jump up and down to keep her from crying in the picture ;). But we love Dr. Jou, even if she doesn’t. She will get to know him well through the years though, unless he leaves PCH!
In other Ruby news, she is sitting a bit more and more! She knows she can go places though so it doesn’t last long.
Pretty much the cutest baby ever :).
So cute :)
Thank you :)
She is looking so good! I can see she has grown, and yes, I would say very close to rolls of fat on her legs. She seems such a happy sunny baby. I am so pleased for you she is doing so well!
Thank you! Yep, maybe next month she will have a couple rolls :). She is such a happy baby–and such an easy baby! We are so blessed to have her! Thank you for your kind comment!
The first thing I noticed was her ‘almost chubby’ legs! Such a cutie! Great to hear she’s doing so well!
Ha! I’m glad I’m not just imagining it :). Thanks Karen!
She’s perfect!! And those thighs are definitely on the brink of chubby :) love it!
Thank you Amy!
She looks great! definitely healthy and happy.
Thanks so much Kristin. So blessed she’s doing so well!
Hooray for chunky thighs!!!! So happy to hear that her heart is healing well too. Thanks as always for sharing – pictures of Ruby never fail to make me smile!
Thanks so much Amy! I’m glad she makes you smile :).
I am soooo glad she is doing well and the echo looked good! I think that’s so awesome that she rolls every place! How fun to watch!
Thank you so much Lynette! You are the sweetest.