Men’s fashion for you!
And of course I have to include the women. So fun!
Fifties Fashion said, “Women dressed ‘smartly’ in the Fifties. Good grooming and a tailored look were prized. Acting and looking ‘every inch the lady’ was taught virtually from the cradle and wearing a dress was a given…”
The pencil style skirt was worn by older ladies, but not the younger women because it was considered too provocative (according to this website). The swing skirt was widely popular. Wrap around skirts were commonly worn around the house. The following pictures were taken from Fifties Fashion.
The beautiful Audrey Hepburn. 1953.
This next one is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE dress I’ve seen so far. I would LOVE to be able to make this, but I’m just not sure I’d be able to figure it out!!! Picture found here.
And just because I think this wedding dress is amazing. Found here.
Following item found here and sold on Etsy.
Poodle Skirts! My mom totally made me one when I was little and I loved it!!! I still have it. I’ll have to dig it out and post it. I wasn’t alive in the 60’s so it’s not a vintage poodle skirt from that era:).
More fun links:
LOVE this website called Couture Allure. The most beautiful dresses are listed here, but the images are copyrighted so I can’t post them here.
My favorite fashions so far. Too, too cute.
I definitely think this era is my favourite so far, and I love, love love, that red Polk-a-dot dress too. I wish I was able to make dresses like that, I swear I would wear them everyday. It would look so cute with bright red lips. It actually almost reminds me of something “Charlotte” would wear in “Sex and the City” So cute! If you ever learn how to make a dress like that(or know where to find patterns) please share!
Thanks so much,
love it love it love it. this is so fun, Christie! thanks for putting all of these together. I need to sit down and decide exactly what (and from when) I’m going to be doing and get started.
Paul agrees 100% with me when I say I was born in the wrong era. I would love to wear clothing like that all the time. I think it’s classy and fun!
I wonder what mom did with my purple poodle skirt!?!
I am hoping to have time to play in this round! That red polka dot dress actually tempted me to spend real cash to dress up my YoVille avatar! So cute!