I happened to find some awesome typewriters and sewing machines, and mentioned them to my husband (wink wink) on Friday before Mother’s Day. And he got a sewing machine that I missed somehow, and I like it even better than the one I was eyeing.Aren’t they wonderful??? I looked up their serial numbers online and found out that they were both made in the 1920’s. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
It has a knee bar.
So guess what one of my favorite parts is, besides the moveable light? Both machines totally smell like an antique.
And for a splash of color on this post, I wanted to share a pretty picture taken over the weekend. I wanted to go to a favorite spot in Salt Lake with my family. We took some great family photos and had a wonderful time enjoying the beautiful flowers! My kids and hubby really spoiled me for Mother’s Day! Breakfast in bed, antiques, flowers, yea!
Wnat an attentive husband you have there! I love these old machines. I have an old Singer too. The exact same one my grand-ma’ used to sew with and I just love it!
love love love the typewriter. and the sewing machine, too. awesome detials on both. so cool to think about those that used them before! Good job, D-hubs! (can I call him that?)
My 9 (10 in 30 days…we’re counting down) year old would KILL for that typewriter. That’s all she wants for her birthday. Weird, just like her mother.
T love the old machines, look at the decoration on them! They have to be the best presents ever – you lucky duck!
Oh my, those are awesome finds! I know that old 1920’s typewriters can be quite valuable :-)
Is that machine a Featherweight? The ones with those fancy faceplates are special, I think. I have a Featherweight which was my only machine for many years – it is indestructible and has sewn upholstery fabric, plastic, denim, you name it. Good score for you!
Ooh lucky you! Both machines look awesome, I love old machines!