This is the first year I have EVER made Christmas pj’s for my kids!
It was fun, though my plan was to have them finished by Thanksgiving night—that’s my goal next year, to gift them to my kids then.
Bailey had Polar Express Day Friday in preschool, and since apparently I cannot get things finished without a real deadline, that is what motivated me to get them done.
Joann has amazingly adorable flannel these days. I scored these for about $2.50/yard during a sale. I know this fabric isn’t technically pajama fabric and not intended for sleepwear. Ruby will not be sleeping in her pants I made for her, and my kids have lots of clothes they wear as pj’s that are not intended for sleeping in. So I suppose that makes it seem ok to me. I don’t know. Hopefully I’m not just being under-protective when it comes to my kids and what they wear to bed.
Since I started sewing the pj’s about a month ago, my kids have been so sweet at giving me gentle reminders to finish them. I love how they are aware that momma can get stressed and overwhelmed and to sweetly remind me. Especially Dev on the right in the pics—he’s been really excited about them.
My kids LOVE love love them. They kept telling me thank you and how warm and cuddly they are. Which makes me smile!
And…Ruby’s done. And Bailey. Good sports for the pics, though.
Ruby’s pant pattern is from Purl Bee—it’s a free baby pant pattern. I figured it would work great in flannel.
And oh, this cuteness you see on Ruby’s head? That’s a hat Melissa from Melly Sews made for her. I love receiving those kinds of packages. So many thoughtful people we know! We all love Ruby’s new hat (and the other items Melissa sent as well!).
And because these last two are pretty darn cute, I had to include a couple insagram pics:
I am amazed that with all you have going on you still have the time and energy to make your kids pjs! They are gorgeous – both the pjs and the kids. You can feel the love between your children in the pictures, you must be so proud.
Good luck next week!
These photos made my heart so happy. I especially love the silly faces one! Maybe one of these years I’ll get it together and make Christmas jams for my kids…like when they’re grown and out of the house.
Lovely! The only reason they say it is not for sleepwear is that it isn’t coated with those flame-retardant chemicals. In some countries they don’t use those chemicals at all because they are not particularly healthy. People sleep in sweats and other stuff all the time without issue. ALso, store bought sleepwear loses those chemicals over time anyway so pjs that are hand-me-downs are not resistant anymore. Unless you are sitting by a campfire, I wouldn’t worry about it! THey all look great!
I’ve tried to find flame-resistant fabrics before at Joann’s with no luck…I think I felt guilty when I see all of the “not intended for children’s sleepwear” signs. I guess we just focus our energy on fire prevention/safety instead and use up all of that cute flannel Joann’s has this year! I particularly love your idea of giving the darlings their Christmas jammies on Thanksgiving night so they can get lots of use out of them during the Christmas season!
OMG, they are all precious. Adorable photos. I can only imagine how happy you must feel with such a treasure at home! Happy holidays! God bless!
This is on my list of things to do for my kids someday! I let my kids wear non-flame resistant clothing to bed, as well. I’m not a huge fan of the chemicals in them!
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