My kids are awesome.
Ruby is doing so well with her heart defect, but it has still been a life changing event. Adding a baby to your family can be difficult on any kid, but having a baby with any challenges can make things complicated. They pray for her constantly. They worry about the worst case scenarios with her surgery (tomorrow!!).
They watch over her and make sure she doesn’t cry for too long because she can have a blue spell. They come along to many of her doctors appointments. They never complain when I ask them to wash their hands multiple times a day, and they are sad when they have to stay away from her if they are sick, but they do it because they love her so much. So. Much. It’s absolutely heart-warming how much they love her.
They are the BEST brothers and sister for Ruby. I so appreciate them being who they are and being there for each other and for Ruby.
I wanted to give them something to show the world how great they are—or at least those they associate with during the day. They want to wear these shirts on surgery day! They are Ruby’s biggest fans. Talk to anyone and they’ll all tell you they know Ruby’s older siblings adore her. They just love everything about her! These shirts are just my little shout-out to them—to let them know I recognize their efforts and want everyone else to know as well.
I simply love these kids with all my heart.
Tuesday is the big day. Thank you thank you thank you for all your prayers and words of love and support! I’ll hopefully update you on instagram (@lemonsqueezyhome) and might be able to pop in for an update post later next week if she is doing well!
All the faces they are pulling when not looking at the camera are from looking at Ruby and trying to make her smile. :)
Yep, as I said. My kids are awesome.
Here are some templates for the shirts I used in case you know someone who has a child with a heart defect. Simply right click the image and save it to your computer. I have open office so I used open office draw. Make sure to reverse your image before printing it! I used Transfer Artist Paper(affiliate link) to print them (and printed two per sheet so I didn’t waste any).
The first one is generic—you can add a name with any photo editing tool—I used the font Lobster Two for Ruby’s name in picmonkey, in combination with picasa (and other fonts).
I’m including these templates because I know I have GREATLY appreciated the gifts sent to us, wishing us well. It has been amazing. You people are amazing, you know that? Thank you. I know that any heart parent would love to receive something made like this for their other children, or their heart child.
I have a post that will go up Wednesday that I wrote a couple weeks ago—don’t be shocked when it’s up and think I’m all writing a tutorial in the hospital ;). I’m not that crazy. And lest you think I’m also taking up my precious Ruby time writing posts, she’s asleep and it’s actually Friday night—I have a pretty strict policy these days to only sew and write posts at night after the kids are in bed.
What a beautiful family and such an inspiration. Good luck tomorrow and God Bless!
I’ll be keeping you guys in my prayers! I hope everything goes well! I love how those shirts turned out. what a fun way to remember what you guys are going through, and to cheer Ruby on.
I love Ruby’s smile :) it is so sweet that her siblings lover and support her so much. She is a very blessed little girl.
I am sending prayers your way. Praying for God to guide the surgeon’s hands, praying for peace for you all, praying for Ruby’s recovery process.
I’m sending prayers, love and hugs to you all, and will be thinking of you tomorrow. Ruby is just the sweetest little thing. Her bright eyes and brilliant smile bring happiness to all who see her.
Ruby is in our prayers as well!
Good luck to your darling baby girl!
LOVE to your family.
We will be praying for your family! The first week after surgery is usually the hardest, but know that it will get better!!
Sending up so many prayers for all of you – Ruby, you & the rest of your family, the doctors & hospital staff… SO MANY PRAYERS!
In bocca al lupo, as they say in Italy. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow!!! Go to sleep, your wonderful kids will need your strength these days! Will pray for Ruby Jane.
Praying for the doctors, nurses, staff, you, your husband, and all of your children tomorrow!! May God give you all the strength needed to endure the day/s ahead!!
Much love,
Emily {suzanne}
Thanks for posting these, they are awesome!!! Much love and prayers today! <3
Christina from IHH
I love these! Thanks for sharing, will surely have to have some made for my heart warrior his little sister.
very nice photographs of heart warrior shirts for ruby’s siblings,kids are looking so nice ,i like soft colors,and this pics are giving very attractive look to viewers.nice shear.
Wow! Thank you! My third child had surgery 6.5 months ago to close his VSD (he was 10 months). I’ve been looking for something like this for big brother and sister! So thankful for the wisdom God has given the medical community…