First off, let’s just get it out of the way and mention that yes, the paint totally spread on the names. Super bummed about that, but it was really late and although I pressed down the vinyl hard enough, I applied too much paint and it made the vinyl bubble. My paint was way thin, so I don’t think that helped, either. So yah, the names look crappy. Someday I’ll make more and post better pictures of the finished product. The first one I made looked much better, but I gifted it before taking pictures. Such is life!
Anyways, excuses, excuses, right? Sorry. Moving right along. You just need paint, a glue gun, about a 2” x 40” strip of knit (or other fabric—I chose knit so it won’t fray), and a canvas tote bag. That three pack there is about $6.00 at my Walmart.
Take out your bag. This is un-ironed. You’ll want to iron it. Be careful though, as any seams might make the fabric you are ironing do that shiny thing, probably because it was too hot. I had mine on cotton and just sprayed a TON of water on it. You might want to start with a lower setting and work your way hotter so it doesn’t burn the canvas bag.
I set my machine at the highest tension I could (which is a 9 on mine) and gathered one of the long sides.
Wrap your knit in circles until it resembles a flower.
You can glue it down however you’d like, but I just folded down parts of the flower at a time and glued on the sewed, gathered parts. Glue the entire flower on like this. You still want the non-gathered sides to be unglued so that it fluffs more.
If desired, use freezer paper or vinyl to paint on a word. Just don’t use thin paint like me, and not too much like me. This is the beauty of craft blogs. You get to learn from my mistakes, right?! :)
Since you aren’t making the tote bag (which you totally could, there are tons of tutorials online for them), this is a really quick, semi-homemade gift and quite inexpensive, since each bag only costs about $2.00 and I already had the knit (which was bought about a month ago for a summer skirt that has yet to be made).
Thanks for stopping by!
CUTE!! And totally do-able for me. :) Too bad I don’t have a girl to make one for. Maybe if one of the boys gets invited to a girl’s birthday party we’ll try it.
…die sehen echt süß
aus. Findet mein kleiner auch.
” Ich will so eine für den Kindergarten.”
Liebe Grüße Christiane
Simple… perfect… I’m a fan!
Ooh, very cute! I love that you used pre-made totes, too, those colors are great!
very, very cute – I don’t think the names look too bad.
Roving paint or not I think they’re adorable :) I’m going to try the flower tonight – looks easy enough!
Super cute! I always have trouble with freezer-paper-stencils and small words, but I think your names look good. :)
Ashley loves the one you made for her!
Thanks for this, I was looking for a good explanation for making a flower ruffle. I’ve got a tote that I’ve been thinking needed something extra, this is perfect!
This is super cute! I like the painted names I think when it is too perfect it look mass produced, this shows its one of a kind and made with love!
Adorable. I know any little girl would love a bag like this. I like that it’s simple enough to make multiple matching bags. Great idea Christie.
totally cute! I love the bright colors!
These are really cute! And I have totally had that paint spreading thing happen to me when I was freezer paper stenciling – seems like you can’t really thin the paint at all or it seeps under.
Those are adorable! I love the flower. :)
Great idea! So cute! Kristy from This is perfect to make everyone thier own library bag! Easier for me to keep track and helps with the load!