My friend Kim has been modeling for a couple years now and I finally made it to one of her shows, along with some other good friends. It was so much fun and I don’t know what took me so long to go to one!
Sabra, Kate, Kim, Mar, Andrea, me
Since this blog deals with sewing and since I’m wanting to have a few clothing/style posts thrown in there in the future, I thought some of you might be interested in seeing some of the awesome designs from the night. I’ve only highlighted my favorite clothing lines/designers from the night.
It was a challenge for me taking pictures with the lighting there, but after messing around for a while, I got some ok ones—not great, but not horrible.
Sophie St. Clare: She had some amazingly tailored jackets, but I didn’t have many good pics from this designer since I was still working on my camera settings.
I’ve followed Simplicity Photography for a long time and was really excited to see her and Mitch Harris’ line out called Aven Clothing. These little models were absolutely adorable!
The next ones are from Misc. Boutique:
A favorite for my friends and I. Loved this one:
Mary Reno I believe is the designer for the next few (although I couldn’t find a website):
And my favorite clothing line of the night (retail!) was Bettie Page.
A great night for us all! And it didn’t cost much to get in so I would love to attend more! What about you? What is your favorite dress or outfit from the group of pictures?
What a fun night!!! I love that last designer, so retro and modest :)
wow! how cool, I didn’t know there was stuff like this in UTAH! I will have to check it out next year if they do it again.
I love the pictures you posted, there was definitely some drool worthy clothes/designers there!