1. My kids started school this week. It was the first time they’ve started school where I didn’t bawl the whole way home and off and on throughout the day. We were all ready this year, and though it does make me sad to not be spending a lot of time with them, I think it is also so good for them and me. I miss them, but they have some nice teachers this year and were very excited to start.
2. I read Katy’s post last week and felt like I could have written the same post, though not as beautifully as she did. I don’t know if my hormones are going nuts, but man alive, I have been so darn impatient with my family for the past 3 weeks! So I guess PMS is ruled out, ha ha! I just feel overwhelmed, angry , and I drive myself crazy! I guess the bright side of my hubby being non-existent at home the past 5 weeks is that he doesn’t have to deal with my craziness. I can’t wait to not have to do yard work all alone once the weather gets colder ;). I don’t know how you single moms or those with traveling spouses do it! I admire you greatly!
3. Speaking of my silly mood swings the last month, I decided tonight that I needed to read my scriptures and study patience. I’m finding the scriptures teach a lot about self-mastery and patience in relation to each other. If you are interested in a great scripture study journal, my sister directed me to The Red Headed Hostess blog, and from there, THIS journal. I am loving it!
4. My little brother is getting married in October! He is 29 and the youngest of the fam. His fiancé is so cute and we’re so excited for them. And she mentioned loving Pinterest for wedding plans. How fun would that have been, for those of you married before it was around?!
5. It’s about that time of year again where we normally get our family pictures taken. I’ve always had my sister take our pictures, and she does a great job (and sister, I might be enlisting you again soon, if that’s ok!). I’m wondering if anyone knows some awesome orchard areas. Pictures that I am loving seem to include orchards quite often. Or just some beautiful country-esque settings. Mostly I’m loving the sunset pictures with the sun behind, like THESE (goodness I love her photography!). They are just so peaceful and beautiful. And heaven knows I could use a little of that in my life right now!
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry for the downer post. I know I have a great life, which is probably why when I feel like I do lately, it bothers me that much more. I need to focus on the positive and just make the best of each day and create meaningful and happy memories with my kids. Happy weekend!
For a downer post, that was all pretty positive. Thanks for acknowledging us single mums too! Don’t get me wrong, I have a great life too!
Everyone feels down once in a while … and I heard somewhere that venting actually helps us feel more positive because it relieves stress rather than letting it build up. Great thoughts this week.
Christie, I just want to give you a big hug right now! Being home with kids by yourself is hard! So hard! I mean sometimes just having your best friend there to vent to…they don’t even have to do anything, just be there!…is such an important part of our emotional health. It’s so challenging when that can’t happen and the phone is so not the same.
I admire you greatly. I hope you find some time to catch up on being the wonderful you that you are. :)
not a downer post at all. Sorry things have been crazy, it’s probably related to the fact your hubby is gone.
we have a week and a half till summer is over :(
hope your weekend is great!