My friend Lori does ‘Ten on Tuesday’ posts and I like it so much that I asked her if it was ok that I try it out on my blog. She said of course, but since I don’t know if I can ever come up with ten things to post about, I thought I’d just change it to Five on Fridays. It might not be an every Friday post, but just when I feel like it. So here we go! It’s completely random things—whatever I feel like sharing with you or asking advice on at the time!
1. I love the blog Enjoying the Small Things. It is my #1 inspirational blog I read. I tear up on most of her posts. They ALL get me thinking of how I can be a better mother, but in a motivational kind of way, not an “oh crap I’m such a bad mom” kind of way. Seriously love it. And you can start HERE to kind of get a feel for what she’s been through and the strength she has if you’ve never been before. Kelle is so real and honest. Another blog I absolutely enjoy is Under the Sycamore. Oh, how I love Ashley’s photography skills and her point of view on raising her kids and family. Both these ladies really get it. They are SO inspiring to me.
2. I was contacted by Margaret who is undertaking something so wonderful. She came across a non-profit agency that is working in some of the most remote villages of the world to provide clothing for children who have no more than one old and tattered outfit to their name. They’re doing this by collecting hand-made shorts for boys, and pillowcase dresses for girls. She doesn’t even sew but is willing to make some herself. She asked if I would help spread the word about this great cause. She’s trying to make 50 to send, and all size dresses are accepted, whether it’s 16 or 35 inches long (from shoulder to hem). Any pattern used is fine, and sewers should feel free to include pockets, lace, etc. Cotton is typically the preferred material since most of the dresses will be sent to extremely hot climates, but other materials are accepted as well. The only restriction is that it’s best if you don’t include zippers or buttons, because it’s difficult to get them repaired. . If anyone is interested in helping her sew a pillowcase dress(es!) then please contact her at She will give you her mailing address where you can send any dresses made to her, and she’ll get them to the right people!
3. I want to get more into Yoga or Pilates. I downloaded a few apps on my phone for it, and I’m so out of shape that even working out for 10 minutes on my abs or legs or whatever, I’m totally sore the next day. So I know it’s working! Can anyone suggest some good Yoga or Pilates DVD’s? I’d love to have any input. Also, you might have a preference over one or the other. Which do you like better?
4. Is it pathetic that when I opened the cupboard and saw my just-purchased-today Rolos, I squealed with delight inwardly (so as not to draw attention to myself or the bag of chocolate) because I get to secretly munch on them the next few couple days? They are hidden from all. No one will eat them but me. Makes me very joyously happy. Please disregard that I JUST asked about Yoga or Pilates. See, my motto is that I exercise to be able to eat those rolos. Just go with it.
5. I signed up for a beginners quilting class and I’m STOKED about it! I’ve been wanting to learn how to quilt for a very long time. If you live in Utah along the Wasatch front, there are four locations to choose from who are doing this awesome deal through Living Social. You only pay $35.00 for four beginning sewing or beginning quilting classes, but that’s not the best part. You also get $50.00 worth of sewing supplies (probably to make the quilt). AWESOME deal. You can click HERE to sign up. (four days left to purchase!)
YOUR blog is one of MY inspirations! Your Loyalty Card Holder is one of the first tutorials I ever searched out and made. I have mine in my purse all the time :)
When you asked about Yoga, I knew I had to reply. I’m no yogi, but I do enjoy a good workout. My favorite workouts are MP3’s from I LOVE the guys who do the yoga; I could listen to their voices all day. If I remember correctly they also have PDF files of the ansanas you should know if you’re a beginner. They have everything from 10-minute easy to 60-minute advanced. Not always the cheapest bet, but a great deal because I use them over and over and over. Enjoy!
Okay, Christie, I just bought Rolos because they were on sale for a really good price. And just last night I made these cookies that are honestly TO DIE FOR. They are soft bites of heaven with a melted Rolo in the middle. If you are interested in the recipe, let me know and I will email it to you.
P.S. I ate eight last night and only felt minimally guilty :)
My favorite pilates DVD: “Pilates Conditioning for Weight Loss” with Suzanne Deason. The workout is long (about 45 mins), but it is presented with 3 different levels. (3 women doing the workout at the same time, you follow the one at your level)
Thanks for sharing that blog! I can’t say that I needed a good cry this morning, but I got one, haha!
So happy you’re doing this! I’m planning on trying yoga at the gym. I’ll be sure to post how it goes. I’m nervous because I am not flexible at all!
I watch Yoga and Pilates videos for free on Hulu. Some are super corny, but still a great work out.
I don’t know if you can still get it because I got it for $2 in a bin but I just love Total Body Yoga by Alan Harris. It’s not too advanced or too slow. It’s perfect.
Generally when I do yoga I just do the sun salutation. You can find it online and learn it easily. I like being able to do it from memory because instructional videos are so intrusive. I feel more yoga-y when I don’t have someone barking at me from the TV.
Ooo… thanks for making me read that blog and cry. What a birth story! Amazing lady.
I LOVE Rolos too. And I could eat a pack of those in one sitting so I’m impressed it will last you more than a day. :)
I too want to try Yoga or Pilates, so I’m going to copy the suggestions people gave you.
And I would SO love to take that class with you! Too bad it’s not good timing (money wise). :( If only…
How about a combination of Yoga, Pilates, and ballet? Try Bar Method. I take classes, but I’ve heard wonderful things about the DVDs, too.
I LOVE Enjoying the Small Things. She is so real and honest and just….raw. She exposes herself and helps me along the way. And she takes fantastic pictures!
wow – have just been and read the blog you led us to in this post – all I can say is WOW! The kitchen floor doesnt matter – nothing at all matters apart from the lvoe of our family and friends – oh my word – how totally moving xxx
I love yoga–try Crunch: Yoga Body Sculpt with Bethany Lyons (my all-time favorite yoga DVD). The Yogaworks series is pretty good, too.