I made this Footed Sleep Sack from Peekaboo Pattern Shop last summer when Ruby started to climb out of her crib, in hopes that it would keep her in.
No such luck. But it’s adorable and fits her great this year.
I had bought the fabric for $3.00/yard at Joann and it was perfect for these footed jammies. Always nice when you have something in your stash. I’m really trying hard not to buy new fabric. We will see how long I hold out.
It’s comfy and roomy and perfect for summer for a light covering while she sleeps in the heat.
She looks like a penguin when she walks. Bonus.
I could have done better on the neckline but she doesn’t care. Just me ;). Isn’t that how it always is? Sewing for kids is great.
Playing peekaboo. It’s as if she knew the pattern was from Amy’s shop ;).
A quick sew with fun results. In knit. I like all those things.
Pattern: Sleep Sack from Peekaboo Pattern Shop
Fabric: Joann clearance knit
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