Oh my goodness you guys, thanks so much for laughing with me. It was so fun to read your comments on yesterday’s post.
I have to clarify a couple things.
*First, the part where I say he maybe stomped, kicked is a point of debate. He says he doesn’t remember doing that, I say he totally did (this coming from a man who will frequently have full conversations with me at night that he won’t remember—another post for another day). I mean the man was all the way out of bed and there was some shuffling going on over there in the dark with that branch…that poor poor branch.
*Second, why would I squeal rather than scream? Indeed, a very good question. No one asked but you might have wondered this. Well friends, because I can’t. Seriously, I can’t scream. PROOF: A couple months ago I was in our van parked in the driveway, about to leave for the grocery store. It was dark. I look outside and out of the corner of my eye, this MAN is STARING at me through the bottom left hand corner of the passenger window with eyes open very wide and a crazy look on his face. Complete terror overtook me and I made a noise. Not a scream, but some strange noise. It was a bit alarming that the noise I chose to express wasn’t a scream or a squeal, but a strange sound that just rose up outta my throat, that would not have let anyone near the area know the awfulness that was about to happen to me. Turns out the man was my husband and he laughed his head off. First thing out of his mouth? “What was that noise you made?!” So there you go. I can’t scream. Even in dire circumstances. If you are someone who can scream, well count yourself lucky. I have scream envy.
Seeing as how I posted about being attacked yesterday and strange men staring at me through my van window late at night, I decided now is the time to post the gun holsters I made for some birthday presents last week. I was actually gone all last week but home for a few hours on Friday, only to leave again until Monday. You didn’t even know—blogging can be sneaky like that.
Cute, eh? I simplified the amazing tutorial and pattern you can find on Sew a Straight Line HERE (which my D was the lucky recipient of—he still loves it).
Since I used all black felt besides on the letter, it was pretty plain and needed something extra. I love how the decorative stitching turned out.
I was told both recipients loved theirs. Convenient how both their names started with a J, wasn’t it?
Husband keeps asking me if he can buy me a gun. I always tell him no. After all, my strange throat noises and flapping of hands will scare off the worst. I’ve got mad self defense skills.
Have a happy weekend, everyone. I have cool readers ;).
your post totally cracked me up yesterday, and today just completes it! glad to see you have security with a sheriff in town…lol, very cute holster!
Oh this made me laugh hard!!! I think the best part is “What was that noise you made?” Hahahahha….
The holsters are super-cute – I remember I had pink ones (storebought) when I was little and I LOVED them!
Absolutely adorable! My boys would LOVE it too! :)
LOL! I can totally picture in my head your strangledy noise. I actually don’t scream either, now that I really think about it. My husband likes to creep up on me and scare the overlovingshit outta me on a regular basis, and instead of an ear-piercing shriek I tend to let out this ‘gwak!’ sort of sound. Or maybe a ‘Bwah!’ or a gasp of terror. And I jump like a foot straight up in the air. He thinks its the best thing ever. I don’t really make noise during labor, either, actually. Except during pushing, and that’s halfways of a monologue of me explaining that I changed my mind about the whole thing. Anyways, I wonder if its related?
Also related but unrelated, my husband wants me to have a gun, too. But like, a rifle. But not to fend of evildoers. I have been expressly forbidden to point a rifle at even the most vile offenders, even if they break into the house, which, to me, removes the only thing i really got out of this whole ‘hunting wife’ situation.
and I’ll end my (usual)tangent with the fact that that decorative stitching looks beyond cool. I should be a good mom and make Nicole some of those for her water guns!
I love love love the stitching. They look amazing. far better than the originals. and I had no idea you can’t scream. why have you been keeping this from me?
Oh, I had a scary dream a long time ago (someone broke in to my house and I was hiding in the bathroom, but somehow I could see everything through the wall. They came to the bathroom door, and realized I was there. Then,they started to break the door.) and I could not scream either. I don’t know what I would be like in real life, but I hope I never need to find out.
I took a self defense class a while ago, at a martial arts studio. I learned a lot! I always carry a wepon that I learned how to use during the class (it’s not a gun). It makes me feel a little more confident and feel good. I know, it is a rare side of me… :)
I love love the gun holder, it looks amazing!
Ha ha…that is crazy! You need to at least let him give you a can of mace. :)
I LOVE these gun holsters. My boys would adore these. I have some gray and brown felt on hand that might just be perfect. Thanks for the great inspiration!
LOL!! Oh my gosh, I think I cried a little bit reading your stories!! So funny!! Love those little holsters too – so creative!! Such a fun blog!! :)
yes, perfect for all the little cowboys!
I linked to your posting on my blog – thanks for sharing!
doro K.