Husband and I are sleeping in bed dreaming pleasant dreams. It’s approximately 3:00 am.
Suddenly, something jumps or falls on top of me. I squeal. I start flapping my hands, because doggy paddle flapping will totally help in these kind of circumstances. I continue squealing and flapping until hubby wakes up, because now this “thing” has flopped over on him.
“AH! AH!” he yells. He throws this unknown “thing” down on the ground, hard, to show it who’s boss (insert booyah! here if desired) and maybe even kicks/stomps on it a few times. He’s breathing heavily. My heart feels like it’s about to pound outta my chest.
He gets back in bed and we lay there in silence, staring at the ceiling, listening to our quick breaths.
I finally giggle, because I realize what it was. Hubby asks me with complete bewilderment, “What was that?!”
(view looking up at the ceiling if laying in our bed)
I answer, “Um, remember that branch I bought at Tai Pan? Yah….sorry about that.” …but dude, if that had been anything real, you woulda totally saved the day.
Oh my god… hilarious!
At first I started cringing thinking a cockroach… A bat… A ???
Then I laughed when I saw the picture. And i’m still laughing. Glad it didn’t happen to me.
Seriously, still laughing!
Oh goodness, I totally needed that giggle this morning!
Ha! That is so funny. I’m glad you’ve got some great self-defense-doggie-paddle moves down, too. You crack me up Christie.
Thank you so much for sharing this. With the morning that I’ve had I really needed this! Thank You! Amy
That was hilarious! I pictured the whole thing in my head and kept giggling.
hilarious, Christie! Thank you!
I’m so having Damon read this post! So very awesome :)
LOL!! I seriously can’t stop laughing. Thanks for sharing. :)
That is hilarious!!
Bwahahahahahaha!!! I love story posts!! Awesome :)
Sooooooo funny! Thanks for the laugh!
Ha ha…what a funny story!
Such a great story!
Oh dear, that’s funny! I was dying. Oh, that’s funny!
How Funny! Thanks for the laugh.
Woo hoo! He saved the day from a vicious… tree branch. :)
Thanks for the LAUGH! ;0D I am laughing so hard…I am crying! Too Funny! Been there done that!
totally laughing! love those type of moments to shake things up! :)
oh, thanks for the laugh! made my day!
Hahahaha! That made my day..
Thanks for a my first laugh of the day. Your description creates great visuals. Soooo funny!!!
ROFL! You’re too funny. I would have done the same, perhaps some girly shrieks as well, naturally waking up the baby. Except my husband wouldn’t have woken up. And then I would have beat him with the branch for failing to protect me from it. Because it’s the principal of the matter. ;)
Thanks for putting my button on your sidebar, I saw it out of the corner of my eye and it was a total daymaker right there! :)
that’s awesome. i hate when i get “attacked” by things in the middle of the night. normally it’s just our cat though so i’m glad we’ve never kicked him to the floor.
OH! TOO funny! I am still laughing and the comments are making it worse! I have to stop reading now or I may have a serious accident to clean up! Thanks for sharing and I am glad you are safe!
Oh my, tears are in my eyes right now. SO FUNNY!!!!
Oh my word, I laughed SO HARD!! LOL Thanks for sharing this story.
Trying to laugh quietly because my family is still asleep which kind of made me cry! Soooo funny, thank you for that!
you need to make him a superman t-shirt! he certainly saved you!