(I need some info on getting tonsils removed. Scroll to the bottom to see my questions! Thanks!)
Get to Costco about 1 hour later than I had hoped to and end up during it’s busiest hours.
Place my almost 2 year old daughter in the shopping cart and she screams and cries–then faints. (We rarely make a grocery shopping trip where she doesn’t faint at least once–doctors are not concerned)
Listen to my kids whine about how starving they are. Get them a frozen yogurt to share, hoping that will help them. They finish off their yogurt in about 5 minutes.
My 2 year old starts screaming and crying. She wants to get out of the cart, but since I know that never goes well I make her sit in the cart. Plus she hates wearing her own shoes and took them off in the van. Her brother, who wanted to sit next to her, tries hugging her and she whacks him. He starts mimicking her crying nearly as loud as she is screaming.
My oldest son is not in the cart but is climbing the concrete forms that are in front of the freezer section. He’s pretending he’s a ninja. And getting in the way of people trying to get their food. My middle son gets out of the cart so the two boys can now be ninjas together.
“Mom! I think I see a sample! Let’s go over there!” It wasn’t a sample. I’m singing “The Wheels on the Bus” to my 2 year old, but she is still screaming–extremely loud. My cart is holding approximately 200 lbs. now since we’re at Costco, but I get her out anyways and hold her while I pull the cart. The boys take that opportunity to “help” me push the cart. They push so fast that we barely miss running into some people. “Thanks for the help boys. Push slower.”
My pulling becomes even more difficult and I look back to see both boys dragging their feet behind them as I pull the cart and they hang on the bars, giggling their little heads off. Awesome. So I tell them to stop and to behave like civilized young boys should.
That really worked because soon they were chasing each other and pushing and hitting. I’m feeling like a super mom.
As we are new to Costco, I’m trying to write down prices to compare with the places I normally shop while holding B, pulling the cart, and trying to settle down my kids. I realize at this point that we just need to go home. I was beat before we even started.
We get to the check-out stand, and the guy smiles and talks to B, to which she starts scowling and flailing her limbs all over the place trying to wiggle out of my arms. He was trying to chat with me and said something about getting paid to make little kids cry.
Get out to the van, get the kids in, but the boys don’t buckle and start wrestling over a pair of socks and fighting because one of them is going to throw the socks out the van. I swear they just make things up to fight about sometimes.
I hate shopping in the evening around dinner time. Yes folks, we were THAT family tonight. These are the types of trips that make me swear to never go shopping with my 3 kids again…EVER.
Wanna hear some great advice from a dear friend? She said, “Never decide if you are going to have more kids on your best days or your worst days.”
I love my life. And I’m not kidding:). Yesterday was really fabulous and I was filled with love for those kiddos of mine. So I’ll take the crazy times any day!
On another note, my middle son D might have to have his tonsils out. Any advice on it? He’s 5. I have heard some crappy stories, so I’m a little scared and wondered if you think it’s worth it! The poor kid gets strep all the time and has been told he has HUGE tonsils. He’s already had his appendix burst and surgery on a broken elbow, both last year within months of each other . Did it help your child stop getting sick so much? Any advice is welcome! Thanks!
Hello, You may be wanting “fresher” information, but I had my tonsils out at age 8 (I’m now almost 48) and honestly I stopped getting sick. Prior to that it seemed I kept tonsillitis, so it was great for me! Love the story of your shopping trip-so funny! My kids are 18 and almost 26, I remember taking them to the store and thinking I had taken the zoo! Man I miss those days of mine being young-even on the hard days. They grow up too stinkin’ fast! Now I have 2 granddaughters, 2 and almost 7, it’s funny cause my daughter will tell me when they act up in the store that she is getting payback! Anyways, love, love, love your blog!
LOL!!!! That sounds like one of my trips to the store… and I can’t believe you braved Costco with them!
I worked at a surgery center for years and saw tons of kids have tonsillectomies, including several of my friends’ children. I can tell you that it really does help them. Most of the time, the tonsils are enlarged, so these kiddos are not only getting strep or tonsillitis, but they’re also having trouble with breathing (snoring) and speech.
Find an ENT surgeon who other moms recommend and whom you trust…
Your post is so funny! I have one 4 year old and some days…oh boy! My sister has 3 and I’ve gone through the exact moment you described, minus the fainting. Have a good day today ;)Alyssa of Boston Bee
Isn’t parenting fun? I feel for you, ’cause I’ve been there and done that.
My nephew had his tonsils removed and hasn’t had strep since. Even better? My 7 yo DD hasn’t had strep since he had surgery!
He might hate you for following this advice but… if you gargle and drink a tiny bit of Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (like Braggs…..or a Trader Joe version) as soon as you feel a sore throat coming on, it will kill all those bugs in your throat and you’ll be better in no time. Of course, once the infection takes hold it doesn’t work… So if you decide not to do the surgery you can always try this trick. :)
I’m a lurker, but I just had to comment on this post. Let me just go on record and say that I think anyone who can brave a grocery store with three kids by herself with even the HOPE that it might go well is a candidate for sainthood in my book.
As for tonsils, after literally years of sicknesses and antibiotics for my niece and nephew, my sister finally got a second opinion about tonsils, had them taken out for both kids about two years ago, and they have been almost doctor-free since. It made a world of difference for both of them.
I too had my tonsils removed when I was 5 (I am 35 now). I still get minor sore throats but have never had strep. My sister, who still has her tonsils, has had several cases of strep!
Haha! Poor Christie. Gotta love days like that. :) I’ve had some friends get tonsils out of their kids, one was 3 and the other was 2 and they are so glad they did.
OH Man, been there! I laughed and smiled through out this post. And I love that you saw the good in the situation at the end of it all. walking on those concrete things like ninjas sounds fun… wish we could be that free somedays : )
When we were little my brother would get tonsillitis all the time and then would pass it on to my other brother and I. Then finally he had his tonsils out and none of us got sick anymore. It is so definitely worth it. The younger they are, the easier it is on them and the quicker they heal it seems.
Reading this Costco story was like reading my own story going to the grocery store! I always have to smile at other kids acting that way in the store on the rare occasion that I actually get to go to the store by myself cuz I know….I end up going to the store for 3 items and end up spending an hour there just walking around!!
LOL! Your Costco story totally cracked me up! We all have to take turns being “THAT family” haha! ;)
A friend of mine has an 8 year old daughter who had her tonsils out last year. She had strep throat almost on a constant basis. She has not had it since having them out. From what I hear, I would recommend it, especially when they are young.
I HATE grocery shopping with my 7yo and 4yo….. they get WILD in the grocery store! I will take them individually, but never together. It’s like they feed off each other’s mania!
Good for you to see the “silver lining”.
I got mine out at 17. I begged for them to do since i was 10. constant strep and wasnt able to run or even breathe heavy. Allergy season almost did me in… DO IT!!!!
the recovery isnt that bad as long as you stay on top of medication… once you skip a dose cuz you ‘feel ok’ – your in a world of pain. stay on the pain killers. it hurts to swallow the meds- but SOOO worth the relief.
gifts and visits were my highlight. and getting to do stuff i normal didnt get to- IE- movies all day long… best way to spend winter break senior year ever…
Best of luck!!!!
thank you for sharing your day! Sometimes I think that I am the only mom who has the crazy kids…it is good to know that all moms have days like that. I also think that Costco and Superstore have some type of curse on them to make kids act up, scream, cry, and whine.
thanks again!
Oh my goodness, you described my life exactly! I have a 3,4 and 6 year old and they do the same shananigans as yours, pulling the cart, climbing shelves, etc. I was laughing to myself totally relating to it as I was reading. I makes me feel good that other people are going through the same thing. I am glad we are not ” that” family alone =)
My daughter Charlotte is 4 and she got her tonsils out 4 months ago. She had sleep apnea and was ALWAYS sick. She has been much better since the surgery! She sleeps better, so she is a far happier child. She has a lot more energy now too.
As for the surgery it wasn’t that bad. I had heard horror stories and I was pretty scared, but the worst part was when she woke up and she was screaming for a good 30 minutes. Once she calmed down she sipped some gingerale and all was well. She wasn’t cranky at all, just acted tired the rest of the day. By day 3 she was begging to go outside and play, and by 7 days post surgery she was completely normal! Hope this helps!
Aaaawww…Sweet madness! I cannot wait to have my own little crazy creatures… Because that’s what kids are, you know? I love them.
I am so sorry you had to deal with that all at once! I try my best to go shopping WITHOUT my kids! I usually wait until my husband is home or even one of my neighbors will watch the kids for me so I can make an hour long trip to the store alone!
As for the tonsils..my son had his out at age 5 as well and he has been so much healthier since! He hardly ever gets sick now! He is now 14 and I can honestly say that we spent a year at the Dr’s office very three week if not less because he was sick or had strep! Since then I think we have only been for his yearly check ups and I honestly can’t remember ever having to bring him back in for being sick! He does have allergies and asthma but even those are better now that he is older and he no longer needs any meds to control his asthma or allergies!
When he did go in they put some stuff on his arm for his iv that kind of numbed it up and it helped out a lot. He then proceeded to pull it out after the surgery was over and they put it back in without the numbing stuff and that was our only problem. Just stock up on tylenol and popsicles!
Within 7 months of my son having his out my husband as an adult had to have his out as well! So have learned a lot about boys and men over those two times. Men act more like babies than boys do!
Good luck! Saying a prayer for you and the family!
boy can I relate to this story!! And I don’t have three!! (unless I’m watching my niece!)
You didn’t sound concerned about your daughters fainting, but I just wanted to mention that I was a fainter as a kid too. They said it was low blood sugar. So whenever I felt lightheaded I’d just have a glass of orange juice to make me feel better. Worked like a charm.
Love your blog! HappyHomemakerUK.blogspot.com
Oh, how your story brings back memories! I only had two little ones and left many a full cart in the middle of the grocery store. And I’m sure the other shoppers were more than grateful :D
My son got his tonsils out at age 10 after years of strep, etc and the ENT telling us that his tonsils were the size of a grown man’s [meaning things would not get better unless they came out]. So out they came and he hasn’t had strep in four years. I had to laugh at gretam situation with her husband… my husband also had his tonsils out shortly after my son. In my personal experience, kids are much better at following doctor’s directions than some men [like my husband]!
I feel for you on the Costco trip… I took my son (only one child) to Michaels shortly before nap time. I was having trouble finding what I was looking for (while he was using the great acoustics in the store to practice vocal acrobatics). I was there for 30 min searching, in the same 3 aisles… when finally a manager came up to us. Not to help… but to ask us to leave!!
Glad you got through the trip in one piece!
I just started following your blog. Thanks so much for posting this story. I’ve been battling postpartum depression, and on the days like you’ve described, I have to remind myself that I’m not the only one who goes through this. So thanks for the reminder :)
Yeah, I’m about to give at least one kid away here. Went swimming w/ Andrea and her kids and… you can ask her how my kids were. Probaby one of the worst fits in recent K history, which is saying something.
Anyway, been there, done that.
Good luck with Middle Son.
I know those days. Those days make me sort of glad I only have one. Itss almost enough to counteract my desire for a second.
I can’t help you with the tonsils. I still have mine. As an adult, when I word in an “old” building that had a garage/shop in it, I would constantly get tonsilitis from the smallest irritaion about once every two or three months, but the dr’s wouldn’t take them out because its apparently difficult on an adult. Made me glad when the place burned down and we started working in portable trailers. I don’t think I’ve been sick with it but once since. ALso, if you stop using cotton swabs to clean ears (I know this sounds like an old wives tale but it works) it stops irritating the tonsils.
Wish I could offer you advice…
However your post was hilarious! I had the very same kind of trip at a clothing store today. I took a 2 year old and two 4 year olds. They were literally running around the store. I tried to pull out some snacks but that backfired and the snacks were ALL over the floor. Thanks for the great laugh!!!!
Oh yes…getting those tonsils out are totally worth it. My son had his out at age 4 and has thrived ever since. Of course he had his adnoids out also. He quit vomitting, snoring and having sleep apnea. We never really had a problem with strep tho. He also gained weight and has more energy. (probably because he sleeps much better) so yes have them out and especially when he is young. the other you are when you have them removed the worst it is and longer the recovery. Good Luck!
oops…. i meant to say the older u get the worst it is….not the other you get….lol Sorry about the typo. Didnt know if I could edit it.
So sorry about Costco. I feel like I never get out because I refuse to take both kids to the store without my husband’s help.
When I first read “tonsils” I thought it said “toenails.” I had my tonsils and adnoids out when I was 4. My mom said that once I had them out I rarely ever got sick anymore. I would recommend it. I remember a little bit about the surgery and recovery and it wasn’t bad at all, though that was 25 years ago. Yuck, I feel old.
That’s awesome, I actually have a magnet on my fridge with that exact saying. Love it! Sorry for D, but if it happens, hopefully it will help the guy out! Love ya!
Sorry, by “that’s awesome” and “I love it”, I didn’t mean your horrible experience at Costco… I meant the saying at the top, and I feel your pain, there’s been many a trip of mine that turn out like that only my kids are older than yours and “should know better” haha, such is life :)
My 3 year old had his tonsils out about 1 year ago. I swear he is sick more, although we had them out due to sleep apnea, not sickness. He had a really successful surgery and recovery. If this is something you’re considering, I’d say go for it, the procedure is SO much easier on little ones than older kids.
I’m late to this posting, since I just found your lovely blog, but I thought I’d offer some tonsil advice. We had my son’s tonsils removed last year (almost exactly a year ago) when he was three. It was the best thing we could have done for the little guy. His nearly constantly running nose stopped and he started sleeping more soundly. This is hard to say, but he ended up being more well behaved than he already was because he finally was getting rest. Our little guy was up and around the day of surgery and we had to work really hard to get him to rest…the surgery was easy peasy. I hope you guys have a wonderful end of summer!
When I was reading your post I wasn’t keeping track of how may kids you have (I’m half listing to my husband talk to my MIL….I learn so much from him because her integrating techniques are so effective…why didn’t he tell me THAT!?) When you said you have three kids I was surprised. I thought you were talking about 5 kids. This is not to say that your kids are horrible (my two seem like 6 at times)…I’m saying that good for you for braving Costco with your bunch. That may of come out wrong but it’s meant to be a compliment. SUPER MOM!
And a wonderful blogger to boot. That isn’t easy I tried it and didn’t make it that long.