My mom always had us write thank-you notes after Christmas and Birthdays to everyone who gave us gifts—especially family. And her mom did the same with her. I am trying to pass this down to my children, as well. There is just something about a hand-written note, whether to say hello or thank you or whatever, that is priceless.
My Grandma and mother are still note-writers, and I’ve kept some of their letters and will treasure them forever. I don’t think I can expect my boys to continue this as adults, since I don’t think it’s as normal for men to write letters, but hopefully they’ll at least learn to be more thankful!
The only problem is that, since they are still young, it is exhausting for both my child and myself because it takes a long time! So that is why we do these kind of cards.
I’ve seen these around, but just made some myself last week and thought I would share. Click HERE to download.
And I wanted to give a big THANK YOU to all those that have been helping my husband’s band out, and for all your nice comments! We really appreciate it!
I saw a similar idea when I was looking for thank you cards a couple of years ago for our wedding. I SO wanted to just do the same idea but didn’t think it would be nearly as cute coming from a 30 year old!
What a fun idea!! I shared it on my TT&J FB page and linked to you :)
OMG! I seriously just logged into my blog to correct something, then had another window open searching for printable children’s thank you cards!! My son just received a gift from a friend of his Grandmothers and I wanted him to write a thank you! Amazing timing!
I’m the WORST at writting thank you notes. Every gift-giving occasion I have the best of intentions, but almost never follow through. Maybe these will help at least with my kids.
My mom made us write thank you notes WHENever we received any gifts. I am now a pro thank you writer.
My brother who is grown up, married, and has 2 kids, still writes thank you notes. There is definitely hope for your boys.
Plus the note cards are so cute!
Thank you so much for these! My wee bit just turned one last weekend – these are so sweet and perfect!
Thanks again! :D
Fun print outs!!
I agree with Hannah – there’s hope for your boys!
I have my son write thank you notes all the time and we talk about how important it is to show our appreciation to others. I just make it fun by having him draw pictures and use stickers (in addition to writing the message).
My husband writes awesome thank you notes. And he has lovely handwriting too! LOL
Thank you for these! I usually write the kids’ notes but my oldest is getting old enough to do her own. These are so helpful. We will be using them!