I made these very imperfect capes for my kiddos last week. They’d been asking me to do so for a couple weeks so it was about time I got it done. We met some friends at the park later that day and they dressed up to go. I wasn’t going to blog the capes since they aren’t wonderful, but seeing as how I didn’t have to bribe or coax them into taking pictures this time, I thought why not?
As I watched them play and run around, it occurred to me once again how much I enjoy sewing for these kids. They might notice the mistakes, but they quickly look past them and are thankful for what they are.
Parenting young children is often like that. I have many flaws as a mom, and they are aware of (some of) them. Yet they look past them and they are thankful for what I am, and don’t focus on what I’m not.
They let me mess up over and over and over and over. Then they forgive quickly. They let me correct them often, yet they rarely correct me when I need it more often than they.
They are my daily reminders to be a better person because they are in such a pure, sweet, and innocent stage themselves. Quick to love, quick to make friends wherever they are, quick to help when someone is in need, and quick to be good (most of the time ;) . They want to please Dillon and I.
I’ve heard the phrase “enjoy them while they are young, it goes too fast” so often. I believe those people! There have been times when I know I have not, and I do get a bit sad thinking back on those times. Yet here they are, all smiles and forgiveness and willing to move forward…. and I feel peaceful with the direction we’re heading.
what a sweet post:) and yes our kiddo’s are our biggest fans. i made my first dress this week, flaws and all and my little girls looked at me like i was the prettiest momma in the world. they kept clapping and telling me how pretty i looked…that is what i want to hold onto for forever!
Oh Christie! Great post and great thoughts. I need to remind myself of those things. These younger years are pretty special. Thanks for the great post.
I love it. And I love you. My kids are all sitting around me right now and totally knew it was your kids immediatly.
Do you want to sew together soon? I miss it.
Thanks for that! YOu are so right. I can get kind of down sometimes and wish I was a better mom but I am the best mom for my kids and they love me for it as I love them for who they are. Great post. We are all human and just doing the best we can in this crazy world…
I love the capes. Enjoyed your thoughts as well. My mom made several capes when we were growing up, they were the best!
Great post. :)
What a great post! It’s amazing what we, as adults, can learn from our kids. It’s so simple and so sweet and sometimes we get caught up in things that don’t really matter.
I like D’s shield!
thank you for this beautiful post. It is so encouraging today!
What a sweet and encouraging post. Thank you so much for sharing. And I love the capes, they’re awesome!
You are such a wonderful mother. I appreciated reading your insights. They are so true.
So sweet and so true!
oh too much fun! Capes are a “staple” at our house! :)
hey I am starting to gather contributors for a Back to School series! I would love to have you join or any of your readers if they’d like to be featured! :)
Great capes, great pictures!
Thanks for a truly great post. I normally only comment if I’m trying to win something… but I loved your honesty and I feel the same way. Thanks for the reminder to savor the imperfect before it’s too late. :)
Love this post :) Ya know, I remember when I was growing up, I thought my Mom was a perfect seamstress and crafter- she could cut a straight line with scissors and never made sewing mistakes… at least I thought. Now I realize that there were imperfections, I just didn’t see them or even look for them. So grateful my kids do the same at this point. Thanks for some great thoughts- brought me such a smile! Hope you have a great weekend :)
This was a really nice post to read, Christie. Thanks… I needed this.
great post Christie! It’s so true. I love that you didn’t have to force any pictures, that the best part. I think that’s what blogging should be, making things you (or someone) likes and taking a picture of them truly enjoying it. :)
What a beautiful post! I totally agree. I’m always reminding my husband to ‘take advantage of the time when they think you’re totally awesome, or else it will be impossible to connect with them when they get to the age where they think you’re totally not.’ I’m totally horrified to think that some day my daughters will be teenagers who think I’m ignorant, or unaware, or unsympathetic. I am their mom first and their friend second, so we’re definitely going to hit that standoff at times. But for now, when things are at their worst and I’m just ‘not fair’, I’m grateful for that. And when things are at their best, and I’m the best mommy, and so funny, super big funny… that’s awesome.
What a lovely blog! You are so blessed with the joy of motherhood. Visit my blog for more ideas and fun: Mrs.Terrigno’s HOW TO BLOG for ART, CRAFTS, + MORE!
I wish I had access to a computer for ideas when my babies were little. One day I will be a grandmother and make things again.
Enjoy your journey filled with creativity and LOVE!
SO SO so true! Every night I wish I had been a better parent but I know they go to sleep loving me the way I am. IO still want to allow the Lord to continue to change me but I grateful that they wake up and hug me every morning not holding any previous mistakes against me. Kristy from http://www.apronsandapples.blogspot.com