My sister Janina shared an idea with me a few years ago to make ANY holiday fun for your kids, as long as you can find fabric to go along with it! She just makes a pillowcase for her kiddos for each holiday! My kids have loved this tradition. Again, I never got around to the Thanksgiving one this year, because of the craziness going on around here at the time. I still need Easter ones and Fourth of July ones. and maybe just winter/summer for the slow months.
C really isn’t going to kiss D. They decided themselves that they were going to be “sleeping” for the picture. So that’s his snoring face:).
*Edited to add, in answer to Rachelle’s question, you need a yard of fabric to make a pillowcase. Any time I try and do less, I’m always sorry I did. A full yard works best!
Janina made some Christmas ones for my girls and I’ve been meaning to make the other holidays for them as well. How much fabric per pillowcase do you need?