I don’t know if I can even express how wonderful it is that Ruby is doing so well. She has been pretty high maintenance, but rightly so. She has a lot of separation anxiety right now and is really, really leery of anyone other than our immediate family. We have a post-op appointment this week and we should find out just how well she is doing after the echocardiogram and x-ray. Like I said before, she had some left ventricular dysfunction upon discharge, so we are hoping that has adjusted.
Take a look at that scar! It is looking SO amazing. I can’t even believe how thin it is. Incredible. She lost about a pound after her surgery, so she was back down to 12 lbs. My hope before surgery was at least 13 lbs. and she was just that! Her appetite is just starting to get back to what it was before. So we’re hoping to pack on the pounds now. Although a lot of heart babies are small kids too, so we’ll see what she does.
She isn’t sitting yet, but she can roll over (and chooses NOT to cause she hates it!). I have read that after surgery they can get behind on the “normal” milestones. That’s ok though :). The longer they aren’t mobile, the better, in my book!
She does know how to pull the funniest faces when I pull out he camera! I think I got 6 shots of this face. So funny.
Thank you to those who commented on my update for her! Your kind words are so wonderful to read. I am not being very good at responding to anyone these days! But know that I read them all and appreciate them so much.
Ok, just one more of the crazy face. She’ll make the face, then kick and kick and giggle right after.
Ha! I love it.
Happy Monday everyone!
Ruby has such a great smile, seeing this post has brightened my day! My youngest child is two weeks younger than her and your family has been in my thoughts & prayers.
She is such a cutie—I just love that onesie on her. I am so glad surgery and everything has gone so well. I don’t think I took a chance to comment on the last post-so I’m doing it here. I hope that her next appointment goes well, and that no further actions need to be taken! I think about you guys often.
I’m so happy everything is going well. I’ll keep you all on my prayers. She’s really a warrior, and a very funny one with all those faces. God Bless! I mentioned before about my sister’s bone marrow transplant. God gave us a miracle and two of her sons are 100% compatible when science said they should’ve been just 50%. She’ll have it at the end of this month.
She has the most adorable personality! It jumps off my screen every time I see her in your posts.
Wonderful news!
I am so glad to hear that she is doing well. Good luck with her next appointment!
Glad to hear things went well. I love watching her grow from month to month. She looks great! Thank you for sharing her story with us. Best Wishes to a Happy New Year!
She is gorgeous!!!
You & your family are heroes. Totally inspiring.
Ruby is soo cute! I’m glad she is doing so well.
I just love seeing your posts on Ruby. She is such a sweetie. We continue to pray for her continued health. Thanks for sharing!
what girl. I am always amazed that she shines so off the screen of the laptop. How you get anything done when cuddling and loving on this cutie is an option is amazing. gotta love these updates.prayers for blessings of health and prosperity for your family
It is impossible not to smile when you see that sweet face!! So glad she’s doing so well – praying for good news at her appointment!
She is looking wonderful! I hope it is all good news from the hospital! X
your ruby is such a beauty! it’s wonderful she has recovered so well. she looks like she loves life, her personality just jumps out at you in those photos! best of luck for a speedy recovery for her.
many blessings,
alana in ontario
Just got done reading, she is a real trooper!!! Heartbreaking that little ones have to go through this, they just don’t understand. Glad she is doing better and things are moving along! Love the photo just above all the months..the look was priceless I had to chuckle! BTW Love the photos with her name every month!
Take care!
Jackie P
She is such a miracle. What a beautiful girl! I’m so happy she is doing so well. Thank you for sharing the update.