I have pretty independent children, who start dressing themselves at about the age 2 1/2 and won’t let me help in that process too often once they start. The outfits they come up with are great, and sometimes embarrassing (ha!), but not worth the battle and I think it’s good for them to have a little control in some aspects of their lives. But when you are running late, tie shoes can be a nuisance. I’m all for teaching your kids to tie their own shoes, but Poppy is too young. She has a pair of shoes from the store that are similar to these, and I so the idea came from those. So I thought, why not ditch the shoelaces and just add some velcro in there like the ones she owns? It can’t be too hard!
All you’ll need is some velcro strips, some e-6000 glue, clothes pins, and tie shoes. Remove the laces of course.
Measure how much velcro you need by sticking it between the top sides and tongue of the shoe. Cut the velcro so none of it is sticking out to poke their foot, and so that you don’t see any out the top or sides.
**Please note: I actually think you could use just a small inch square or circle at either top corner under the lacing portion. OR, I would cut my velcro in half vertically so that it wasn’t so wide—it’s a little too much velcro and makes it harder for Poppy to get them on. So if I did these again, I would either just use a small square or circle of velcro at the top corners of the outer flaps and tongue, or a thinner piece of velcro, but sometimes you don’t think of these things till after you are done making them, am I right?**
Put a layer of e-6000 glue on either side of the velcro (the non-velcro sides).
And sandwich between the tongue and top shoelace flaps.
Pin with clothes pins.
Repeat for other shoe until the glue is dry. The glue stinks, but the smell goes away after a couple days.
And there you go! As I said, a smaller piece of velcro would be easier for her, but at least now I don’t have to be tying her shoes last minute because she is ready to go after the puts these on herself. Yay for independency that makes our lives easier…sometimes ;).
Yellow board background tutorial HERE.
And guess what? Side note here, but I’m on Instagram (have been for a while) but have recently found a love for it. You can follow me @lemonsqueezyhome. Fun times.
OH, this is so genius! Thank you.
Great idea! My daughter is very independent too and would love this. -Jen
Christie you are so smart! What a great idea. I want to keep this in mind for when Lola’s a bit bigger!
This is so brilliant!!! I love it and am pinning it right this second even though I should be going to bed. :)
Those shoes are so adorable too!
Love this! Thank you. One thought is to put hook side on tongue so soft loop side faces foot.
Forget kids shoes, I’m doing this to mine!! Thanks! x
Um, GENIUS! Why didn’t I think of this?? My kids literally have velcro shoes JUST LIKE THIS, and yet making my own NEVER crossed my mind!!
very clever !
sweet shoes :)
Thank you Sarah–I normally try and remember the soft side towards the skin but didn’t this time! Great tip:)
What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing it.
This is a brilliant idea!! Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful idea!!! And those shoes are toooo cute!! May I ask where you purchased them?!
What a goldmine of an idea! It is not only beneficial for kids, but a great idea for people with arthritis, broken ankles or feet that swell to use shoes they already have in their closet but stopped using due to their disability.
Great idea! I’ll be doing this for my youngest daughter with all of the hand-me-down lace-up shoes from her big sister. They are all for one-year-old feet and getting a one-year-old to sit still while tying those tiny laces is such a pain. I’d considered getting rid of them all…but not any more! Thanks!
Tammy, the shoes were from Target, but in the summer, on clearance for under $4.00…so that’s not much help but that’s where they were from:).
So smart! I am totally doing this! I have been eyeing these cute sneakers for my girls but the ties just slow us down… Thanks!