We are so excited!!! Poppy gets a sister, and since not once have any of my kids said they hoped for a boy, it was fun to tell them it was what they wanted. Even though we prepared them plenty for the possibility of having a sweet boy, it was still fun to let them know they all guessed and hoped for the gender we’re having. We would have been so happy with either—healthy is what we are going for!
It was fun because the ultrasound tech told us right away, rather than waiting until the end of the ultrasound, so that was nice of him.
My kids are so excited, they already started to write down names. Mr. Zippy said, “We need to think of a name!” So I told them to make a list for us and we’d think about them. Here’s what they wrote in their beds tonight.
Mr. Zippy’s list (I’ll have to get a better picture of his):
Sunshine’s list:
They both made sure to put Lucy on there because Carson mentioned that name and I told them I’d always really liked that name. Oh my goodness, they both made Dillon and I laugh hard. Quite the boys, they are. The only name Poppy suggested was Lilla. Goodness I love my kids.
At the ultrasound, they did mention that it appears (to the tech, he didn’t doubt it at all) that I have placenta previa. He showed us that for quite a bit of the time and the placenta is pretty darn low and blocking most, if not all of the way. I know from what I’ve read there is a chance that as I grow it can move up so it might not be blocking the cervix, so hopefully that is the case. I’ve had two c-sections before, so as long as the baby gets here and all is ok, it’s ok with me to have another c-section even when they are no fun. We were thinking of trying a vbac, but only if we could find out if this baby had what Poppy did when she was born. (You can read more about her condition HERE, which was thankfully fully fixed and no complications since). If any of you have had placenta previa, I would love to know what you experienced! Or maybe you were told you might have it but it was better once you were further along.
So that’s our good news! Plus, I just got over the stomach flu and let me tell you, am I ever glad that is over!!! I think I’m half the size now as I was in that picture taken this past Sunday afternoon. Eek! Drinking TONS of fluids to make up for all I’ve lost.
Thanks for stopping by!
Congratulations on your little girl! I don’t know much about placenta previa, but I’ll be crossing my fingers that it moves up. Good luck on getting your VBAC!
God blessed you!Congratulations on your sweet baby!
Congratulations, Christie!!!!!
Those names are ADORABLE!! Hilarious. Good luck choosing! :o)
Congratulations! I love the names your boys thought of, especially the second list when he got to x, y and z!
I don’t know anything about placenta previa, but good luck with it.
Wishing you the best!
Congratulations! Anda enjoy your pregnace too.
Congratulations! I love seeing the names your kids picked. How fun for the little sister to look back on and how they were planning for her!
Here’s to water, I had the stomach flu with one pregnancy, so not fun with a bump :)
Congratulations on another girl! How exciting! The names are so funny – I personally love “Blossy” and “Hotel.” I think there are some celebrities out there who would love to hire your children to think up names :)
Oh how sweet! A little girl :D Congrats and good luck to you!
Un beso/a kiss
Congratulations……what great news!!!!
YAY! Two little girls to be best friends. I am SO excited for you guys! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
I had placenta previa early in my pregnancy with my first, but it corrected itself as the pregnancy progressed, so no problems with delivery. Hope the same happens for you!
awesome!!! we love girls!
Ok…It looks like Elizabeth was already over here and commented but I want to to…yeah for girls! And I had placenta previa with Ruth (my 15 month old). My mother had it with her last two and since I am the oldest I remember the bedrest and other things…but with me it was different. At every appointment we looked at it and talked about it for weeks…and months…and I was on restricted activities like no running or vacuuming. But it moved (by my second to last appointment) and wasn’t an issue with the delievery.
Good luck. Babies are magic.
Congrats on having a girl! I am currently 16 weeks with my first and it’s been a doozy. I have placenta previa and subchorionic bleeding. Both are slowly getting better, but I’ve been “taking it easy” for the past two months since I have had some bleeding and spotting throughout. It’s been a little scary at times, but baby girl is doing okay. I’ve had the same restrictions as some of the comments posted above about no vacuuming, no lifting over 15 lbs., no running and such. Best wishes and good luck!
Congratulations! I love your kids’ name lists! We are also expecting a little girl, went through some horrendous morning sickness, had placenta previa (it did move out of the way last month, like it did for my first pregnancy) and I also just got over the stomach flu (which landed me in the hospital for a few hours when the dehydration caused me to start having contractions). It just seemed reading your post that we have a lot in common these days. :-)
The placenta previa got me a bit of bed rest after I began spotting a bit, which was hard having preschooler at home. But it did move out of the way soon after that. Just take it as easy as you can and be good about not lifting anything heavy and avoiding strenuous activity. I had the same thing with my son and had bed rest for a while with him too. I hope yours moves on its way as mine did!
I read the post you linked about Poppy’s ordeal. Oh my! I can’t imagine how trying that time must have been for you all!
Congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly for the rest of the pregnancy!
I had partial placenta previa. I did end up having a c-section, but I really didn’t have any complications or restrictions. Best wishes!
Congratulations, Christie!!! Hooray for little girls :)
yay!!! Another girl! Something about 2 boys & 2 girls just makes me happy. It is fantastic how excited your kids are.
A good friend of mine had placenta previa with all three of her pregnancies and it moved out of the way on its own with all three… that is what I will be praying for for you, along with a healthy baby of course!
yay! So excited for you. Best wishes with your placenta previa!
I found out at my 18 week ultrasound with my 2nd daughter that I had placenta previa. They scheduled me for another ultrasound at 32 weeks as a rechecka and it had fixed itself. I guess that happens quite often. So, all went well. Good luck to you!
Hooray for a girl! That will be so fun to have two boys and two girls! It is funny because I was just thinking about an hour ago about whether or not you had found out what gender you were having yet. Apparently I haven’t checked my google reader in a while!
Congratulations!! I am so excited for you! :)
SO exciting! I am super happy for your sweet family.
For those who commented that I can personally respond to, thank you for sharing your congrats and experiences. I really appreciate it!
Yay, congrats! I love the enthusiasm, and I especially love Cursanthemum and Hermoine :) so cute!
they suspected placenta previa with me but it moved up by 20 weeks, not helpful I know!
Congrats! Baby girls are the best, if I do say so myself. :)
I had placenta previa around 20 weeks of my first pregnancy and it cleared up on it’s own. It did seem rather overwhelming when I first found out but it was all for naught and I hope the same goes for you!
Congratulations! I had placenta previa with one of my children. They had me come in for a second ultrasound near the end of my pregnancy to see if my placenta moved out of the way, which it did. Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you!
Congratulations! I feel for you with the “previa” news. I did have that with my second and thankfully my placenta moved enough by the time she was ready to come that I got to have her naturally. I hope this for you as well. All the best!
I’m catching up on your posts… Congratulations! So excited for you!
Congratulations!! I bet that Jerry & Sheila are thrilled to have another grandchild coming. And it’s always fun to have another little girl to sew for (I just had my 2nd daughter at the end of January). I know that Amelia & Jason are happy for you & Dillon! I hope your pregnancy is easy and you are healthy and strong throughout.