I am jumping up and down and pinching myself excited to be here at Lemon Squeezy Home! Seriously if I had to choose only 15 blogs with me on a deserted island, this would be one of them! (Let’s hope I am never in that predicament.) I love how Christie shares her amazing sewing project/crafts, but you also get a glimpse of who she is, and she keeps a good balance between blogging and family, something I am working on!
My name is Carlee, and I have a little blog with my sister Alyssa called Ladybird Ln. Today, I am going to talk about a FUN blog contest, for charity I am having on my blog in June, Pillow Fight–For a Cause!

Yup, she is amazing! She has made it a goal to donate 100 bright cheerful pillow cases to Primary Childrens Medical Center, to brighten up the patients rooms! When she was in the hospital it was so comforting to have her own pillow.
I decided I wanted to help her out with this great cause…. and what better way than a

Main Body Fabric: 3/4 yard fabric {or 27 inches by Width of Fabric (WOF)}
Band Fabric: 1/4 yard fabric {or 9 inches by WOF}
Trim Fabric: (Optional): 1 strip, 2 inches by WOF

Turn right side out; Press! You are finished Easy Peasy right! Below is some pillow case inspiration, all of these pillow cases are ones that I made, or that were given to me. Pillowcases make great gifts!

I tried to make this tutorial as strait forward as possible, but you can email me with any questions!
June 15-22!

Yeah, thanks for the post, I really appreciate it!