I finished it today! I was talking to my mom about when I might finish the quilt and told her I was determined to finish it before Halloween, even if that meant I was done the day before. I was kidding when I said that, but that’s what happened. And to celebrate, you get a blog post at night ;). Lucky you.
First off, I try not to apologize for my pictures like I used to do on a more frequent basis. I figure if you are here, you must not mind them too badly, though I would like to improve still. But the sun went behind the mountain tonight at 6:30. I started taking these pictures at 6:45. So the sun was GONE. And I had to do a bunch of brightening on these pictures. If you scroll to the end you will see the lighting we were actually dealing with. But getting pics and posting them tomorrow, on Halloween, seemed lame-er than doing it tonight so you get what you get. N-E-ways…
So about quilting. I actually really love making the quilt top. I’m too cheap to send it somewhere to get quilted professionally, so I do that myself. And that’s about the point where I start really questioning my sanity. I actually don’t even mind binding, however I had watched a YouTube video which left me worse off than before as far as binding. It’s those darn corners I can’t seem to get nice and crisply done. I’ll have to do some more research. And I hate how the binding turned out, but the quilting I’m actually happy with. I especially love the triangle quilting. It’s hard to see in the pics though.
Here’s Vador modeling it for you tonight. What a good sport. I wanted him to be in full costume but as I said, we were running out of daylight and had to head out as soon as that last stitch was in.
Let’s not forget to give credit where it is due! I’m chatty tonight. That’s what happens when the week is crazy and you just HAVE to get that one project done before you can start anything else. It’s the Moda Spiders and Webs Quilt and the instructions are awesome. I had pinned it sometime last year and knew it was the Halloween quilt for me. It’s really a very easy quilt! I was surprised at how quickly the top came together. The only thing I changed was the webs that end on either side down the middle. I just thought it ended too abruptly for my liking so had them come to a point instead of doing half webs. I didn’t use a jelly roll…I bought this fabric after Halloween at Joann last year and cut my own strips. But the quilt seriously cost me less than $40 to make. I think about $30 in fabric (with lots leftover for my kids to fight over) and $10 for the batting with coupons.
I might have to leave it out till Thanksgiving is over…or something. When I finished my Christmas quilt long after Christmas (March, to be precise), I totally left it out for a few weeks. You can’t just pack up all that hard work and enjoy for only a couple days!
And here’s the true representation of the lighting—complete with a Halloween moon for you :).
I probably won’t be posting again till next week, so come see me on instagram (lemonsqueezyhome) for my kids costumes tomorrow! Happy Halloween!
the last pic is amazing and looks like something from a magazine article. i have just ventured into quilt making and have done the top but need to finish the batting, backing and binding, so might be trying a few youtube stops myself. great job.
Aw, thanks so much Sarah! Good luck with the rest of your quilt!!
I love it!! I totally noticed the triangle quilting before you mentioned it. So fun! And I love that Darth is modeling it :)
Just stumbled on this while working on a new Halloween quilt design! I love seeing this version of my tutorial! Love the fabrics you chose and the way you did the diamonds on the end!
I love love this quilt! Can’t wait to get it out. So thank you for the tutorial!